Concerning Hobbits
Guild Information
Recruiter: Grimhood
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

:sparkles: Current Needs: :sparkles:

We are taking a break from raiding until TWW.

:green_heart: Healer :green_heart:
Druid (Closed)
Evoker (Closed)
Monk (Closed)
Paladin (Closed)
Priest-Disc (Closed)
Shaman (Closed)

:crossed_swords: DPS (1 spot open) :crossed_swords:
Death Knight (Closed)
Demon Hunter (Closed)
Druid-Balance (Closed)
Evoker (High)
Hunter-MM/BM (Closed)
Mage (Medium)
Priest (Closed)
Rogue (Closed)
Shaman (Closed)
Warlock (Medium)
Warrior (Closed)

Concerning Hobbits (Thrall) is a semi-hardcore AOTC+ guild that raids Tuesdays/Thursdays 7 PM - 10 PM EST. We strive to foster a fun and family-like environment to build lasting friendships and kill bosses. We are also looking for community members for leveling and mythic plus! We have some people that want to push keys and are looking for more with similar goals. Many of us were mythic or CE raiders that got burnt out and we’re now playing with a more relaxed approach to raiding. Main goal is AOTC but we will take down some early mythic bosses when heroic is on farm. At the moment most of us are either playing Remix or just chilling until pre-patch.

We are looking for like-minded adults who fit into our comfortable and chill atmosphere, but also take raiding seriously and efficiently use the time available. This means knowing your class, being prepared for the raid with consumables, having knowledge of the fights and running M+. Open communication is important to us and the ability to take constructive criticism is needed.

Contacts (discord):
Raid Leader(me) - nohero_nbk
Co-GM - ectoplasmiceerie
Co-GM - ogmissbubblez

2 CE Players LF CE Guild for TWWJun 23rd, 2024 1:41 pm
Mediocre at Best 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tsmlock
Server Rank: #38
US Rank: #411

Our current guild unfortunately lost its raid leader and neither of us have a desire to take over that responsibility so we are currently looking for a guild going forward. Our current guild is Mediocre at Best on Tichondrius, has been around in a few iterations since WoD, originally starting on Proudmoore.

We are looking for a 2 day but potentially 3 day guild with a preferred start of 7pm pst but could make 6:30 pst work for a good situation. We aren’t particularly interested in server transferring and hopefully with the changes to TWW that’s not something that will be required. Looking to join a guild with multiple CE already and preferably all from DF.

I myself have had to take time off from seriously raiding since early BFA, but have been an officer in the guild since BFA and have been around in a casual presence playing and still being active in our discord within the tiers. I still have logs from those times if you would like to see them. I have played warlock since ICC and at this moment I have no intention of playing it for TWW and am leaning towards mage.

I’m currently playing classic cata and have no interest in coming back for S4, but will ramp back up in retail as the xpac drop gets closer.

The second player has been our recruitment officer since Castle Nathria and did a ton of the heavy lifting besides raid leading within the guild. They achieved CE on multiple different classes in this time and even transitioned to tank for Amirdrassil when we needed it. He plans on playing DPS DK. Some characters of his to look at are:

He has played a little of s4 but is on break until the xpac launch as well.

We are both looking for a trial in the same guild and know we can make it on our own merits so hopefully we don’t scare off any “no package deal” communities. Please feel free to reach out for logs, especially mine since they might be hard to find due to time and server transfers.

Feel free to reach out with any questions, we look forward to talking with you!

My bnet: Veltrix#1442
My discord: teesm_56382

His discord: tilescum

US-Bleeding Hollow
Did it for Whitney 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tivadar
Server Rank: #7
US Rank: #181

Did it For Whitney is comprised of a core group of players who have been raiding together since WoD. That core participated in multiple top 100 raid clears, and applies that experience to support the current raid effort.

In Shadowlands the guild became casual for the first tier. We quickly came to learn we did not enjoy raiding with that mindset. As a result we’ve been rebuilding since then with the intent to take Dragonflight more seriously. We have been making steady progress.

From our raiders we expect full enchants and t3 consumables (except augment runes) to be raid ready. Raiders are also expected to have max ilvl vault options every week. Typically to start a tier we want you to fill out your PvE vault options, and that expectation dwindles as the tier goes on.

The comms are chill, but we expect performance. We are targeting improved ranks from what we achieved in SL, aiming for top 100 again. If this sounds like what you’re looking for then we want to talk to you!

We have been steadily improving tier after tier. We ended S3 DF at US 180 and for season 4 averaged US 123 (aggregate of the 3 raids)

Raid Times:
Tuesday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
Wednesday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
Thursday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST

Current roster in need of dps, pref. Enhance/Warlock/Druid. No quality player will be overlooked. If you are interested in joining please inquire on BNET: MayorJuevos#1615, Discord: Tiv#0243

Geese Not Handled
Guild Information
Recruiter: Halivoker
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Geese Not Handled on Stormrage is recruiting for TWW! We are a reformation of a seasoned team under their own banner. Our mission is simple - Achieve CE while having fun with friends in a non-toxic environment. The team, as a whole, has been together for two years, and the leadership has substantial experience running successful CE teams. Outside of raid, our raiders do a multitude of things together, including movie nights, and non-wow game nights; many members even got together at last year’s Blizzcon. We nurture a fun environment within the guild and the raid, and are lazer-focused on achieving our CE goal.

Raid Times
Tuesday, 8pm-10pm EST
Wednesday, 8pm-11pm EST
Thursday, 8pm-11pm EST
Note: Tuesday is used for reclears only.

Recruitment Priority
Holy Paladin - High
Mage DPS - High
Warrior DPS - Medium
Warlock DPS - Medium
Rogue DPS - Medium
Other Ranged DPS - Medium
Other Melee DPS - Low

Discord: hali.

US-Area 52
The Rhombus Knights 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brewtaliity
Server Rank: #193
US Rank: #1244

Current Progression AATDH 3/9M | AATDH 4/9M | AVOTI 3/9M

Rhombus Knights is looking to recruit DPS for the remainder of Season 4 Mythic progression and into TWW. We are looking for 2 additional DPS to bring in to our team to complete the consistent group. Special attention will be given to any Warlock(s) as we are needing one.

We have a built out Discord for signup weekly and for overall tools to make sure we make the most out of our time weekly. We are looking to push CE into TWW while having a great time. We work as a whole on becoming masters of our classes and strategies while being honest with our feedback and raid leading approach. We approach each raid in a positive way with transparency and open communication. “New Pull New You” is our mantra as our goal is to get better with each pull no matter having missed a 1 shot mechanic :blush:

We have to implemented standards/expectations going into TWW from a gearing standpoint and just overall numbers. At the end of the day we care about getting the bosses down and having fun doing them. I am a transparent and open guild/raid leader who will always provide context to issues or ideas etc.

Please contact Vyythas (Discord) or B-NET (Viro13lade#1397)

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