Guild Information
Recruiter: Amaru
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Progression : 8/8N Normal, 4/8 Heroic

Current Needs :

High Priority :
DPS (Warlock, Mage)

Next (Formerly Existence) has had the same core leadership lead us from a pre-nerf Kil’jaeden kill, through Wrath with notable achievements including a pre-nerf Yogg kill, as well as Herald of the Titans and a few other achievements.

We raid Sundays and Mondays. Invites start at 8pm CST. and we wrap up before 11pm CST.

What we can offer you:

  • A generally relaxed raiding environment. While Discord has been known to become heated if people regularly make stupid mistakes, in general it’s relaxed and friendly.
  • Raid consumables, gems, enchants, help with profession leveling, etc. The guild bank will pay for almost everything once you pass a trial.
  • A sense of community. WoW isn’t all we do; there’s always groups on after raid times playing Overwatch, Diablo 3, Destiny 2, League of Legends, TFT, or Warcraft 3 Reforged. Because of this, we prefer players that will make friends and enjoy time spent not raiding as well.

What you can offer us:

  • 99% attendance. We understand real life obligations will always come ahead of a game, but if you will frequently miss multiple nights a week, please don’t waste our time or yours.
  • Situational awareness. If low FPS or intelligence causes you to die to avoidable mechanics on a regular basis, please don’t waste our time.
  • DPS/HPS competitive for your gear level, and the ability to adapt your role to maximize your performance based on the encounter.
  • An attitude that can handle wiping. We will wipe on progression. We will occasionally wipe to stupid things on farmed bosses. We don’t need people who will get upset over these facts.
  • Raid appropriate gems, enchants, and an understanding of how to properly itemize your raiding specs. This is the most obvious indication of your dedication to raiding.

If your gear or experience is below the norm for our guild, but you believe you can prove yourself to be exceptional, don’t hesitate to apply. We can fix inexperienced, but we can’t fix stupid.

Feel free to contact Vayon (Xavier#1289), or Pionsus in-game, or find someone on Discord with any questions you might have.

US-Area 52
Mind Smooth
Guild Information
Recruiter: Olysian
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

We are an active guild that is currently recruiting DPS for Mythic raiding, and are shooting for CE. We are a group of individuals who share love for all aspects of the game and enjoy a competitive and fun yet professional atmosphere when raiding. Outside of raiding we also have an active PVP and M+ community and play others games together. Weekend Normal/Heroic raids. We are currently recruiting mostly DPS but are accepting anyone, so please feel free to reach out! We expect our players to show up to every raid, know fights, and perform your role efficiently. All exceptional and/or teachable players are encouraged to apply! All Casuals Welcome!!

Raid Schedule: Tuesday / Wednesday 8pm – 11pm EST Raid Positions available: DPS / offspec classes
High priority on WARLOCK
All are welcome to apply though


Recruitment- Discord -Olysian#5213


US-Area 52
Passive Regression
Guild Information
Recruiter: Luxyrie
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Guild & Server - Passive Regression Area 52 [H/A]
Raid Times/Days: 8pm -11pm EST Wednesday/Thursday and Monday*
After first month of progression we will only do Wed/Thurs until the next tier.
Current Progression: 8/8N 7/8H NP

Role/Class/Spec Needs: Frost/Unholy DK, Dev Evoker, Hunter, Shadow Priest, Warlock.
Any exceptional players please reach out.

Atmosphere: Many of our raiders are adults who have been raiding for 10+ years. We expect all members (Raiders or not) to act like adults. We try to maintain a respectful tone in our guild chat and discords. Great attitude and good attendance are a must.

Contacts: Bnet: Raum#1827, Voyle#1339, Holixjr#1605
Discord: raum5418, holix6287, Voyle1059

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Last Updated: 9 Hours 58 Minutes ago