Unyielding 1/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Gibberish
Server Rank: #9
US Rank: #2181

I’m Ish, guild leader from Unyielding on Lightbringer. We are currently recruiting a couple more players to fill out our raid roster. We are also looking for any capable, friendly and fun players to hang out in our guild to run keys with, questing and achievement chasing.

Who we are:
We’re a group of friends who have stuck out the hard times in Dragonflight and are filling out the rest of our raid team so we can hit the ground running once the new expac drops. We have several former CE raiders as well as some that are new to WoW learning their way along in Dragonflight. Regardless of the standing, we get done what we set out to accomplish. We’re an older guild, most of our players are over 35 years old, but we do have some young ones too. A lot of us are Vanilla vets, and have raided since the dawn of WoW time.

What we do:
We raid every Tuesday and Thursday from 8-11 CST. We have alt nights on Sunday. We do maintain an item level requirement as well as a dps check for our raids, but they’re established far in advance and are willing to help those out that are close but not quite there.
We’ve hit AOTC every season of Dragonflight and have managed to dabble a bit in Mythic as we’ve gone along. We run keys nearly every night, either pushing, or just to fill our vaults. We have people that go for the hard achievements, and we have people that just love to log onto Discord and chat. Our main focus of the guild is raiding, but we do have several players that are just there as friends.
Most importantly, we work with people if they are struggling. I don’t believe that anyone is unteachable. If you put in the work, and are willing to learn, then we will help you become the best player. I’ve seen players in our guild that have started out in the single digit gray parses turn it around to be one of the highest dps dealers in the raid. We don’t bench players for poor performance. We may ask you to sit out until we can figure out your problem, but we’ll work at it, and get you back in as soon as we can.

What we’re looking for:
Are you our unicorn? We’re mostly stacked out, but we’re looking for just a couple more roles to fill for a fully buffed raid team. We would love to have a druid on our team. A resto druid would be a great fit for us. Even more so if you can flex to boomkin. Or just a straight up laser-chicken.
We’re looking for 1 possibly or 2 more healers that can raid heal. We have 2 priests and a Shaman, and would love to branch into the other classes as well.
We’re also looking for a ranged DPS. A mage or elemental shaman would be great here. Our raid team has Hunters coming out of our ears, but we would welcome some in the guild to run keys with.
As far as just running keys, any and all classes are welcome. We’re especially short on tanks and healers in this role as well. Ideally, we don’t want to have to pug outside of the guild for this.

Contact Us!
You can reply on here, or message us on Discord. I’m Ishythesquishy, the GM. My raid lead is Cloutchocula69, or an officer, Deadweaz.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Concerning Hobbits
Guild Information
Recruiter: Grimhood
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

:sparkles: Current Needs: :sparkles:

We are taking a break from raiding until TWW.

:green_heart: Healer :green_heart:
Druid (Closed)
Evoker (Closed)
Monk (Closed)
Paladin (Closed)
Priest-Disc (Closed)
Shaman (Closed)

:crossed_swords: DPS (1 spot open) :crossed_swords:
Death Knight (Closed)
Demon Hunter (Closed)
Druid-Balance (Closed)
Evoker (High)
Hunter-MM/BM (Closed)
Mage (Medium)
Priest (Closed)
Rogue (Closed)
Shaman (Closed)
Warlock (Medium)
Warrior (Closed)

Concerning Hobbits (Thrall) is a semi-hardcore AOTC+ guild that raids Tuesdays/Thursdays 7 PM - 10 PM EST. We strive to foster a fun and family-like environment to build lasting friendships and kill bosses. We are also looking for community members for leveling and mythic plus! We have some people that want to push keys and are looking for more with similar goals. Many of us were mythic or CE raiders that got burnt out and we’re now playing with a more relaxed approach to raiding. Main goal is AOTC but we will take down some early mythic bosses when heroic is on farm. At the moment most of us are either playing Remix or just chilling until pre-patch.

We are looking for like-minded adults who fit into our comfortable and chill atmosphere, but also take raiding seriously and efficiently use the time available. This means knowing your class, being prepared for the raid with consumables, having knowledge of the fights and running M+. Open communication is important to us and the ability to take constructive criticism is needed.

Contacts (discord):
Raid Leader(me) - nohero_nbk
Co-GM - ectoplasmiceerie
Co-GM - ogmissbubblez

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