Guild Information
Recruiter: Figs
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Humble is a Mythic progression raiding guild consisting of a long standing core group from Vanilla & TBC. We strive to achieve and maintain a high standard of play and to continue improving our rank each tier.

We do not require alts.


  • T31 - 9/9M – US13
  • T30 - 9/9M – US22
  • T29 - 8/8M – US18
  • T28 - 11/11M – US 28
  • T27 - 10/10M – US 28
  • T26 - 10/10M – US 54
  • T25 - 12/12M – US 34
  • T24 - 8/8M – US 37
  • CoS - 2/2M – US 51
  • T23 - 9/9M – US 57
  • T22 - 8/8M – US 84
  • T21 - 11/11M – US 86

Raid schedule:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday
5:30pm - 9:00pm PT (8:30pm - 12:00am ET)

Loot system:
Progression focused loot council

Recruitment officer:
Discord: soj.

Faction & Realm:
Alliance - Sargeras

Transferred from Horde (Kil’jaeden) to Alliance (Sargeras) on 6/20/22

Class needs:

  • Aug Evoker
  • Fury Warrior
  • Frost DK
  • Enhance Shaman

Where to apply:
Applications can be submitted on our Google Form here:

Guild Information
Recruiter: Frozenwing
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read our thread.

Current progress 6/8N 4/8H (9-16-24)

worldofchimera[dot]com (This is a work in progress, so excuse the mess)

We are We are a long standing guild, and are looking for more like-minded and talented people to add to our group. Or, Dare I say, Family. (Corny… I know)

Right now we’re raiding in S4 and we intend to continue raiding through TWW and beyond. Pushing well past the 20+ years as a guild milestone. We also plan on playing MoP Remix, for those interested in that.

We are looking to add more people to our ever-growing roster of players.

Here is our current needs as of today, however, Any exceptional player will be considered, regardless of class / role.

We are currently set on raid tanks, however, M+ players / tanks are always welcome.

DPS, is a pretty open segment, we’re not too picky, however a priest would be lovely.

Heals, Same thing We currently hold an evoker, shaman, druid but can make room for more / make a few changes for the right person.

Raid times Tuesday/Sunday 8pm est- 11pm est

We are AOTC+ Focused, What this means is roster permitting, and without drama/stress as half of us are former hardcore CE players and do wish to stress out anymore.
It means that once we clear AOTC, and if we feel like it, we’ll go touch some mythic, again, Roster Permitting. However, if we get some down, then we get some down. If not. Thats fine too. we’re here to have fun and enjoy the game as it was intended to be done.

If you have ANY questions, please reach out at your convenience. Frozenwing#1670-bnet or simply join our discord and talk to ANY of our raid members, they would be more than happy to tell you more about who we are!

Discord invite → z3AHHwFfah

Thanks again for reading our posting! See you in the world!

-Frozenwing [GM]

Out of Exile
Guild Information
Recruiter: Fallenembers
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Out of Exile is a semi-hardcore guild looking for raiders for S1. We are looking for like-minded individuals who enjoy themselves and each other but take prog seriously, hold themselves accountable/responsible, is okay with constructive criticism, and understands what mythic raiding entails. Our mindset is all raid spots are competitive, parses are not all that matters, and we overall want to enjoy ourselves while maintaining a high standard and healthy culture.

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
9pm-11:30pm EST

Progression- 8/8N, 4/8H through week 1 of trials

Recruitment Needs:
Melee- DK, Enh Shaman priority. Open to all.
Ranged- Mage. Open to all.
Healers- H Pally Priority. Open to all.
Tanks- Closed. Priority on OS tanks

We will never overlook skilled players who are interested. Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, feel free to still reach out!

-Knowledge/basic understanding of fights and mechs
-Attendance - around 90% and on time. We believe that real life comes first and understand when things come up, but we are looking for consistency overall.
-Willingness to learn from mistakes and take constructive feedback
-Team first attitude- Players who only care about their numbers overall hurt prog. We want players who are willing to do mechs, not pull good numbers and ignore mechanics.
-Be okay with what mythic progression is (the understanding mythic prog means repeating fights hundreds of times to finally down it).
-Run M+ regularly- we are not looking for 3500 io from everyone, but the ability to run high keys consistently to better gear yourself to not slow down progression.

Recruitment Contacts:
Fallenembers (Discord: fallen_34; bnet: Gotti27#1791)
Zultan (bnet: Raiden#1883)

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Last Updated: 11 Hours 40 Minutes ago