Volatile 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ansys
Server Rank: #6
US Rank: #906

Who we are:
Volatile is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on US-Whisperwind. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays 7pm-10pm CST. Founded in Cataclysm, we provide a fun, laid back raiding environment that focuses on mythic progression. We pride ourselves in providing a stable and positive environment for our raiders. We always get AoTC and work our way through mythic the best we can.

Currently recruiting:

  • Rogue (high priority)
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (high priority)
  • Mage (high priority)
  • Death Knight DPS (high priority)
  • Shadow Priest (high priority)
  • Warrior DPS (high priority)
  • Devastation Evoker (medium priority)
  • Balance Druid (medium priority)
  • Hunter (medium priority)
  • Retribution Paladin (medium priority)
  • Warlock (medium priority)
  • Holy Paladin (medium priority)
  • Priest Healer (medium priority)

Main thing we look for is fit, if your goals are the same as ours and you mesh well with us we’re open to pretty much anyone!

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 7-10pm CST
Thursday, 7-10pm CST
Invites start 6:45pm CST

Bigwigs or Deadly Boss Mods
Method Raid Tools
WeakAuras 2

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out an application here:

If you have any questions you can add Shestrouble (shestrouble on discord) or Ansys (ansys on discord)

Severity 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Bethany
Server Rank: #19
US Rank: #1224

In Severity we aim for Mythic progression on casual hours whilst enjoying the game for what it is.

We raid 2 nights a week (Sunday/Monday 7:30-10 server time, 6 hours total). However, we also run a Thursday optional normal/heroic clear for alts/mains.

Current Progression: 9/9H, 4/9M
Previous tier: 4/9M

We are currently recruiting DPS/Heals for raiding with a preference for the following:

  • Shaman DPS
  • WW Monk
  • Shadow Priest
  • other exceptional DPS

If your class is not listed and you think you are mythic ready/exceptional player, please don’t be shy to app as we look at all apps

What you can expect from us:
prides itself on being a friendly and well-rounded guild with players from Australia, New Zealand and the US. We hold regular meet ups in both Australia and New Zealand where players can meet up with fellow guildies as well as special events for expansion release days and other notable in game dates. We aim to have a drama free environment with good leadership, management and raid progression.

We all enjoy each other’s company and consider ourselves to be a solid team of like-minded individuals with the goal of having fun and killing bosses.

Recent kill videos:

We maintain that players wishing to join show good raiding qualities, these include:
• Good people skills and attitude
• Ability to take constructive criticism and advice
• Good knowledge of the game, your class, your spec and a good history of raiding.
• A stable internet connection, computer and good UI
• Ability to identify mistakes, learn from them and accept responsibility for them.
• Always looking to improve on your skills
• We are a close-knit team and none of us tolerate drama
• A good sense of teamwork and working as a team

Contact information:
If you have any questions that can’t be answered by this forum post hit up any of the below;

Reverend - zasz#1257 (Discord: Reverend#3613)
Darmz - darmy#1145 (Discord: Darmy#0248)
Bethany- Raiynne#1442 (Discord: Raiynne#2495)

Inverse Logic 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Barvil
Server Rank: #60
US Rank: #1267

[Inverse Logic] 9/9H 6/9M (3/9M 9/9H Aberrus, 8/8H 3/8M VotI) is a tight-knit, semi-hardcore mythic raid guild that focuses on finding a balance between good progression and flexible adult schedules. Our core has been together since Nyalotha, and we are looking to add to that core moving forward. We would love to find people that want to help build a community and keep pushing mythic further and further.

We are currently doing heroic clears on tuesday
We are raiding cata classic (whitemane - Horde) and mop remix

We currently do not have spots for raid tanks
Recruiting for War Within

  • Healers (shaman/priest/evoker)
  • Mage/Rogue - High Prio
  • Any strong dps players feel free to reach out

We offer a fun and unique environment with an active Discord, a community that plays other games together, and run mythic plus all week long. We are committed to maintaining an equally laid back and competitive atmosphere, where you can enjoy an after-work beer with friends and still clear some content! We are semi-hardcore, meaning we will expect you to play to the best of your ability and be continually working to master your class. We also understand that real life comes first. We are a team of parents, working professionals, and students who understand that sometimes you’re just going to miss the raid. We will work with you if something comes up or your schedule changes–as long as you communicate!

At this time, our goal is to achieve AOTC and push mythic as far as we can

Raid times are Tues & Thurs 8p - 11p Eastern.

Social applicants do not need to be any specific class or spec! If you appreciate the environment we’ve established and think you would enjoy your time in our guild, you’re more than welcome to get in touch.

What we offer:

Flasks, food, and repairs for raid night.
Constructive feedback inside and outside of raid.
Laid back, adult environment.
An active Discord community.
A family of players who love playing with each other!

Btag - Doctersauce#1397
Discord - doctersauce

Firehawk 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brerellyn
Server Rank: #43
US Rank: #1587

Greetings Azerothians! Firehawk is a long-standing WoW community standing strong for nearly 15 years. We’re a highly active guild looking for raiders for all 3 teams: VIRA (CE), Corpse Run (heroic/ some mythic) and Twilight Fenix (AotC).

Group of chill, like-minded players who work together to push the content as far as we can
Attendance, and knowing the fights, and coming to raid with a positive attitude is always a standard (must be open to criticism); Lootcouncil, BigWigs/DBM are mandatory
Guild policy is simple: Don’t be a dick. Respect one another and help each other out
Our goals: fast/clean reclears, equally gear all team members and ensure all team members get to experience the endgame content (underperforming players will be asked to step out/switch characters)


VIRA - (weekend CE team) - Friday/Saturday 5-8pm PST/8-11pm EST.
This team is seeking to prove our skills and achieve Cutting Edge. Looking for raid-ready, dedicated and capable players. Must provide logs when applicable. Strongly focused on pushing high keys. LOOKING FOR:

  • Hunter (any spec)

  • Mage (any spec)

  • Paladin (Retribution/Holy) x2

  • Evoker (any spec)

  • Rogue (any spec)

  • Shaman (any spec)

  • Warrior (Fury/Arms)

Corpse Run - (weekday mythic prog team) - Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9pm PST/9-12pm EST.
Firehawk’s pride and joy, this team has been together for years. Corpse Run focuses on clearing heroic and downing a few mythic bosses along the way.


Twilight Fenix - (weekend heroic) - Friday/Sunday 6-9 pm PST/9-12 pm EST.
Fun and casual, but still focused, this team is looking for more folks to achieve AotC. Will have dedicated nights for achievement runs and alt runs.


So if you’re looking for an inclusive, active community to reach your character/raiding goals, then we are the guild for you! Message me Brerellyn (Brerellin#1558 btag/Brerellyn#6794 discord) for more info about our guild, raid teams, and policies or visit our website on Guilds of Wow.

Beacon 1/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ichiro
Server Rank: #125
US Rank: #2144

Beacon 9/9H (full awakened cleared) is a group which is based in Perth, we are now actively recruiting for TWW and active Mythic + players with an aim to bolster our team.

We are a GMT+8 raiding/M+ group, comprising of both seasoned raiders and passionate new players. The team is long standing formed over 2 years ago, achieving AoTC every tier and some mythic kills along the way. The majority of the team actively pushes M+ attaining 3k+ each season.

Our team has an AoTC raid focus with Mythic + on the off nights, with a fair amount of bants and zero drama. The team, made up of friends with a laid back approach to raiding. Having a mindset of attaining AoTC every tier at a reasonable pace, while having fun doing so, pushing keys in between.

We do not change timings during DST.
Raid days are Thur & Sun
We raid from 8.00pm - 10.30pm (GMT+8) - 10.00pm - 12.30am (ST)

M+ on alternate raid nights.

What we are looking for:
-Healers (Shammy, Druid, Pally, Priest, MW Preferred)
-Exceptional DPS (preference on range)

Interested parties who are looking to raid please contact us directly on Vazallion#3492, Zummbi#7192 or Alaephon#9103 on discord.

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