Broken Limits 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Xyletheflame
Server Rank: #34
US Rank: #604

Hello there!

Broken Limits is a Mythic Raiding guild with the end goal of achieving CE consistently on a 6-hour schedule.

We ended Dragonflight with 8/9M in all 3 seasons and are looking for skilled players looking to help us “Break our Limits!” We have Cutting Edge experienced Raiders on roster presently and are really looking to go the distance in The War Within!

All roles are currently open with a large need for Demon Hunters, Paladins, Druids and Rogues! All healer roles are open as well!

Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00PM – 12:00AM EST.

Recruitment is always open for all exceptional players. We’re always looking for players that can communicate clearly, learn mechanics quickly, be consistent and play your class well. Mythic experience is preferred!

If you have the skill and drive to push progression and out raid times with your schedule, we’re looking for you!

Getting in Touch With Us

If this sounds like the sort of team you want to be apart of, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us below and fill out our brief 5 question Google Form application here!

http; // broken-limits dot com

Guild Master: Bnet- XyleHarkyn#1504 Discord- xyleharkyn
Raid Lead: Bnet- Strifex#1141 Discord- strifex24
Recruitment Officer: Bnet - Bromethiuss#1520 Discord - shroot.

Geese Not Handled
Guild Information
Recruiter: Halivoker
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Geese Not Handled on Stormrage is recruiting for TWW! We are a reformation of a seasoned team under their own banner. Our mission is simple - Achieve CE while having fun with friends in a non-toxic environment. The team, as a whole, has been together for two years, and the leadership has substantial experience running successful CE teams. Outside of raid, our raiders do a multitude of things together, including movie nights, and non-wow game nights; many members even got together at last year’s Blizzcon. We nurture a fun environment within the guild and the raid, and are lazer-focused on achieving our CE goal.

Raid Times
Tuesday, 8pm-10pm EST
Wednesday, 8pm-11pm EST
Thursday, 8pm-11pm EST
Note: Tuesday is used for reclears only.

Recruitment Priority
Holy Paladin - High
Mage DPS - High
Warrior DPS - Medium
Warlock DPS - Medium
Rogue DPS - Medium
Other Ranged DPS - Medium
Other Melee DPS - Low

Discord: hali.

Fear No Evil 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Fuzzycheese
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Fear No Evil is a midcore guild of friends who have been playing the game together to accomplish the same goals, with varying levels of pve/pvp experience. While some of us have been around since Vanilla, raiding MC and BWL, some are fresh faces with Dragonflight.

We are looking for more exceptional members to join as we are building a strong raid team for TWW with goals to clear Mythic.

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 - 9:30pm CST (Server time)

  • (KeyFest): Wednesday 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM CST (Server Time)

What classes are we looking for?

Healers Need: Low
We currently have the healer slots full, but an active DPS with a healing offspec would be nice.

Ranged DPS Need: Medium
No need for Mages and Hunters unfortunately

Melee DPS: Need: Medium
We are in need of most melee classes with the exception of DKs and Paladins.

Tanks Need: Medium
A Tank that is proficient in more than 1 spec

What we offer:

  • Devoted M+ groups that guarantee everyone gets their Mythic+ vault filled each week;
  • Raiders are supplied with feasts, flasks, runes, and guild repairs;
  • Respectful and active members and officers always willing to help;
  • Sociable and fun environment via discord on a daily basis for all types of players.

What we value:
Competence: Knowledge of fights and mechanics, understanding of your class and role. Everyone learns at their own pace but research is the best way to start being ready to contribute.

Willingness to Learn/Improve: Everyone makes mistakes, but repetitive mistakes stop progression. Officers are available and will actively go through areas where people fall short to help push progression provided they are willing.

Guild Commitment: We require raiders to complete a minimum of 4 keys per week. We are all adults and understand people have real-life obligations but we offer the facilities to get these requirements done in a fun and quick manner to achieve the guild’s goals.

Reach out to us via discord for any further information.

US-Moon Guard
Forgotten Alliances 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kevlr
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Forgotten Alliances

We are a newly reformed guild with leadership who’s experience spans the ages of Warcraft. Our focus is on a fun environment to learn and grow in our gaming. The guild’s focus is Mythic+ Dungeons and Raiding up to and hopefully surpassing Heroic Content. These are only focus’s of course. Any content that we as a guild can push together is welcomed!

Our Founder and Guild Master Kevlr is as old as the game itself, this Paladin was originally created on the Vanilla beta servers and was recreated on the live servers less than an hour after the vanilla servers went live. Our officers have played across every expansion thus far and has been an active raider for many of them. Our member’s as a guild fell the original Lady Onyxia encounter, put a stop to the machinations of the Fire Lord Ragnaros in the Molten Core, saw to it that Blackwing was unable to rain his tyranny on the denizens of Azeroth. Members of our guild there when the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj were opened and actively fought alongside their brethren to stop the Old God C’thun from succeeding in his plans to dominate Azeroth. When the dread Lich Kel’Thuzad brought his tower Necropolis Naxxramas to lay waste to the Eastern Plaguelands our light shown bright as we stood at the forefront of the conflict to fell this Lich and save his home from destruction yet again!

Forgotten Alliances pays homage to the guild that was founded all those years ago with friends and family, many are gone but with our deeds they are never forgotten, and this is what we strive for, no one’s deeds should be forgotten and no one should be left behind. We hope everyone that chooses to come on this journey with us has the same mindset!

Forgotten Alliances is recruiting all levels of experience moving into war within. We are looking for players across all playstyles PVP, Mythic +, Raiding, social you wanna just hang out we got you.

Until War drops we are Alliance only but as of War will recruit anyone!

Want to learn more? Message Kevlr here on Moon Guard for more information

Firehawk 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brerellyn
Server Rank: #43
US Rank: #1587

Greetings Azerothians! Firehawk is a long-standing WoW community standing strong for nearly 15 years. We’re a highly active guild looking for raiders for all 3 teams: VIRA (CE), Corpse Run (heroic/ some mythic) and Twilight Fenix (AotC).

Group of chill, like-minded players who work together to push the content as far as we can
Attendance, and knowing the fights, and coming to raid with a positive attitude is always a standard (must be open to criticism); Lootcouncil, BigWigs/DBM are mandatory
Guild policy is simple: Don’t be a dick. Respect one another and help each other out
Our goals: fast/clean reclears, equally gear all team members and ensure all team members get to experience the endgame content (underperforming players will be asked to step out/switch characters)


VIRA - (weekend CE team) - Friday/Saturday 5-8pm PST/8-11pm EST.
This team is seeking to prove our skills and achieve Cutting Edge. Looking for raid-ready, dedicated and capable players. Must provide logs when applicable. Strongly focused on pushing high keys. LOOKING FOR:

  • Hunter (any spec)

  • Mage (any spec)

  • Paladin (Retribution/Holy) x2

  • Evoker (any spec)

  • Rogue (any spec)

  • Shaman (any spec)

  • Warrior (Fury/Arms)

Corpse Run - (weekday mythic prog team) - Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9pm PST/9-12pm EST.
Firehawk’s pride and joy, this team has been together for years. Corpse Run focuses on clearing heroic and downing a few mythic bosses along the way.


Twilight Fenix - (weekend heroic) - Friday/Sunday 6-9 pm PST/9-12 pm EST.
Fun and casual, but still focused, this team is looking for more folks to achieve AotC. Will have dedicated nights for achievement runs and alt runs.


So if you’re looking for an inclusive, active community to reach your character/raiding goals, then we are the guild for you! Message me Brerellyn (Brerellin#1558 btag/Brerellyn#6794 discord) for more info about our guild, raid teams, and policies or visit our website on Guilds of Wow.

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