Real Dino Damage 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ayd
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #


  • Recruiting all kinds of players. We are currently just running heroic, but our ultimate goal is to develop a mythic progression team and a more casual heroic progression team.
  • Raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday from 6-9 Pacific.
  • 18+ Mature guild.
  • Zero tolerance for harassment. Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism will be grounds for immediate expulsion.
  • Contact NorseArtemis on Discord for more info!

Heroically Mesozoic!

Welcoming Dinos for the remainder of S4 and for TWW. Come check us out on Tuesday and Wednesday night heroic runs, or hop into one of our M+ keys to see if you like our vibes! Are you someone who…

  • Thinks getting KSM is table stakes?
  • Gets AOTC and wants to push further?
  • Really wants either of the above statements to be true but hasn’t found the right group?
  • Stays on top of their class and spec’s needs?
  • Enjoys hanging out in a social environment and playing other games with guildies?

…Then Real Dino Damage might be for you! We are a group of WoW friends who haven’t found quite the right fit in other guilds and are now embarking on a new journey for The War Within. Our leadership team are experienced Mythic Prog Raiders and an overfull M+ team. We like to have a good time and challenge ourselves with hard content. Most nights we can be found in our discord running keys that are way too hard and laughing at our stupid mistakes. We are actively recruiting all roles except tanks for our Heroic Raid team, and looking to build to have a Mythic Prog and more Casual Raid team for TWW. We are a mature and inclusive Guild. We expect members to treat each other with respect and not become toxic if interpersonal issues come up. We have a zero tolerance discrimination and harassment policy.

Reprieve 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Teggyg
Server Rank: #53
US Rank: #341

Reprieve is a 9/9M Illidan-based two day* raiding guild looking to recruit 1 healer and 3-4 stellar DPS players to strengthen our roster for The War Within. A dps/healer hybrid player would be considered a plus. We are currently on break for S4.

Our guild places a strong emphasis on commitment, as well as our sense of community & camaraderie. We have cultivated a space we proudly call home, encouraging a first name basis amongst each other. :purple_heart:

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 8PM - 11PM PST

We expect raiders to arrive 15 minutes prior to raid start time.
*We added a third day to secure CE for Amirdrassil.

Current Spec Needs:
1 Healer - Any spec encouraged to apply.

3-4 DPS - Any strong DPS player encouraged to apply.

:star: All exceptional players are encouraged to apply and will be considered regardless of spec :star:

Other Expectations:

  • Team player traits: this includes willingness to sit for roster rotations, AND standby to fill in as needed
  • Maintains a non-toxic and tenacious attitude/mindset for prog environments
  • Eager and driven for self-improvement
  • Knows how to balance a healthy understanding of a competitive spirit and team-oriented mindset
  • Greater mechanical awareness and prowess: this includes the ability to self-telegraph basic mechanics of given boss fight without any raid lead “hand-holding”
  • Prepares for raid by studying boss fights via Lorrgs, WCL, POV videos/streams, etc.
  • A core player seeking a long-term home

If you are looking to play with a guild of serious, CE-focused players and are likeminded, please feel free to reach out and let’s chat!

Discord Contacts: @tegamimianki

Scarred from Greatness 1/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Flizze
Server Rank: #141
US Rank: #2193

Hey Guys!

Scarred from Greatness is looking for more guildies for the new expansion and the tail end of Dragonflight. We are a Horde guild on Tichondrius. Currently looking to find new guild members and friends to push M+ and grab AOTC each raid tier.

Our raiding is as above, primarily focused on AOTC and then if permitting, we will look at Mythic if people are up for it (purely a group driven choice). Each day there is usually a group for M+, maybe some PvP but its not a big focus for most. There are also a few crazy people trying to max achievements.
For the most part, its just wanting to have a place where people can come and play and chill out.

Class wise, just people, doesnt really matter. We can work it out, most people play multiple alts, obviously tanking spots are less available but nothing is set in stone yet for the new expansion. (this will change the closer we get)

Raid times are Saturday and Sunday, 1-3pm PST. Typically, with a 5-minute break at some point. Just a chill timeslot to drop the dragons or whatever big bad that Blizzard decide is the next one on the chopping block.

All we ask is that people turn up prepared for the content, have a willing mindset to push their characters and not expect to be dragged kicking and screaming through the content. Just act like you want to be there at least! :smiley:

We have a wide age range in the guild, but we (presume the same for a lot of other guilds) are on the average age somewhere around 35. There are people from early 20s too however. A decent amount of people have families, kids and IRL responsibilities hence the more laid back attitude. There are people wanting to parse in the high 90s in raids and push M+ to 3k, but the main goal is that AOTC and 2500 rating range.
Having said that, we are not an NSFW guild for sure, but we are inclusive. We like to joke around and have a good time, but also be serious when it’s time to push content. If you want to have good time and don’t want to deal with the more elitest raiding scene, we would probably be a good fit for you.

If any of this is an interested, let me know, I am usually on #nolife (UK timezone)

Drop me a line here, or on my discord: flizity or battlenet : Flizzle#2220
Hope to hear from you!

Weekenders 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Cheheals
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

The War Within is almost here! Join us for more fun and new adventures! We are a mixture of players, old and new, horde and alliance. Many of us are Day One players and are older than the average WoW player. We enjoy all aspects of the game: Mythic+ (0-2 Keys and Higher Keys for KSMs)? AoTC Raiding? Pets? PVP/Warmode? Achievements? Mounts? Reps? We do that.

We do not “police” or “manage” adults. We ask that you be 25yo+ and be focused on the game: We are playing the game to have fun, enjoy each other’s company, and win! Please avoid discussion of politics/religion/controversy and keep it positive by avoiding excessive profanity.
It goes without saying but I have found it is necessary to mention that we expect you to abide by the Social Contract in game/in Discord as well. And of course, this Community prohibits recruitment activities and LFM raid activities that conflict/compete/are not organized by Weekenders Leaders.

ACTIVITIES/RAID TIMES: Mythic+ Community activities are 2 hours, Weekend raids are 2.5 hours


Mythic+ Activities Saturdays 9a and 530p EST

Friday 8p: Friday Fun Raid! Fresh, Normal Raid! Alt night and Raider Tryouts!

Saturday/Sunday 130-4p Progression raid:
Current Progress: We’re on RaiderIO-Weekenders Gilneas
Saturday/Sunday group is open to all members who are open to suggestions for improvement and meet minimum item level requirements and have: BigWigs/DBM/Discord working, and the willingness to work as a team throughout progression. There’s no yelling, no arguing, and we simply ask that you follow/listen to directions, as well as 1:1 feedback. We WILL focus on AotC.

Current Needs: Community members willing to organize and attend PVP (rated and non-rated) activities, including Warmode activities! We can always use more Community members to participate in all our well attended Mythic+ activities!

Contact: Chelives#1291, Cheheals, Chelives, Chelito…all the Che’s on Gilneas server!

Knights of the Blue Tree 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Bluebeargle
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Hello there! Knights of the Blue Tree is a community-driven group that has played together for a long time in some form or fashion (since Burning Crusade).

We are looking to grow our group a little going into The War Within by expanding into two raiding groups.

Each raiding group we have raids 1 night per week, 3 hours a night. AotC is a more casual setting, in which the overall objective is to grab AotC and have a good time. Our mythic group is new going into this expansion, and our goal is to progress as far as possible through the mythic raid on a 1-night schedule.

Raid Times:
AotC: Monday, 7-10pm EST
Mythic: Sunday, 7-10pm EST

If you think you’d be a good fit, or would like to get more information, feel free to message myself or our raid leader on Discord.

Guild Leader: Blueeagle
Raid Leader: Gripps22

Mythic Application: Available upon request
Looking for:
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Any
DPS: Any (Mage/Warrior high priority)

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