Chaos Crew 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Zathiel
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:boom: Hello, greetings and welcome! :boom:

< Chaos Crew > is looking for new members for raiding, M+, hanging out and having fun!
Our motto: No flaming, no blaming, just chilling and gaming! :partying_face:
We’re looking to revive the guild and get back into raiding and doing mythic+ runs, so if you’re looking for a chill and laid back community, where progression should be fun, hit us up!
We also have members interested in PvP if that is your jam, and if you just want to come be part of a social group, you’re welcome as well.

So far we have no raiding days :x: because as I’ve mentioned before, we’re reviving the guild. This also means you get every opportunity to help shape it and have the role you wish to have.

  • We plan to raid 2 - 3 times a week. (Like we used to do)

We need Tanks, DPS, Healers and Officers! So if you want to join a guild that you can help shape to your liking:
Hit me up: :speech_balloon:
Ingame: Zathiel-Darksorrow
Bnet: Vryxell#2693
Discord: Vryxell

Discord is a must if you wish to join the guild, as we prefer to make friends and not just be strangers on the internet. Come have fun with us and bring your friends along

Darksorrow is part of the cluster: Bladefist, Frostwhisper, Zenedar, Darksorrow, Genjuros, Neptulon (Though this is soon irrelevant)

Q & A

Q. What is the amount of players for the guild overall and for the raid team are you aiming to have max?
A. We need a full raid team as minimum, but we also don’t want to get too big, so a maximum of 100 individual active players (not counting alt characters).

Q. How do you plan on handling loot in regards to a current season and when a new tier is released?
A. We usually went with if the one who gets it can use it, they keep it, otherwise we roll for it, and winner decides if they wanna keep it or give it to someone else.

Q. Out of the people you have atm what classes/specs do you have?
A. Nothing worth noting, honestly. We do have a DH who can either tank or dps. We also have two hunters, where one of them also has a rogue, and we have a monk/DK.

Q. Is the plan for the guild to be AOTC or CE focused with regards to raids?
A. If possible we’d like to be AOTC, but the main goal will always be to have fun. Progression is important, and should be a priority, but it should never be more important than having fun. It’s a game.

Q. For mythic+ is there interest/plans on pushing/ improving in that?
A. Pushing keys is always fun and something we enjoy. Would be awesome to set up some M+ teams. So yes, the goal is to push keys!

Q. What system do you have for people who end up being jerks/toxic/drama focused?
A. A maximum of 3 warnings are given, depending on severity of whatever happened. I already have 2 kids and a fulltime job, I don’t wanna deal with BS drama in my guild.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask either here or contact me directly! I can’t wait to hear from you!

Axiom 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Dazbolt
Server Rank: #30
EU Rank: #1129


Axiom (22/26M S4) is looking for 1 Healer, 1 Mdps & 1 Rdps for our Mythic Raid Team. We are raiding on Mon & Wed 19:30 - 22:30 server time. /w me if you have any questions.

We play on EU-Ravencrest and are finalising the roster to push Cutting Edge in Season 1 of TWW.

Can contact me on - Dayze#21208 or in game at Dazbolt. You can also reach out to any officer in the guild.

We’re a fun but mature semi-hardcore group of players, looking to kill bosses and have a laugh.

Hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

Ministry of Silly Wipes 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Westie
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Who are we?
Ministry of Silly wipes is a Social, Casual guild based on the Bloodscalp/Emeriss/Agamaggan/Twilight’s Hammer group of connected realms!

We’re a group of like minded players, who enjoy a bit of banter amongst ourselves whilst we play. We value building friendships, and a sociable, helpful environment first and foremost!

But whilst we’re social at our core, we aim high! And believe that everyone should be given the chance to raid at a Heroic level, or push higher mythic keys if they wish to give it a go! We try to at least get Ahead of the Curve for each tier, and have members pushing various levels of M+ keys =)

We have our own Discord, which is active throughout the day whilst people are at work, which serves as a gaming community also! For those who want people to play other games with as well; such as FF XIV, D&D, League of Legends, even some Classic WoW as well!

What do we have to offer?

  • A well established, welcoming community of players, who are more than happy to lend a hand!

  • Inclusion, flexibility, and understanding that IRL commitments always come first!

  • A focus on fun! Whilst we would like to raid and push higher content when we can, the most important thing is that we want to enjoy playing the game together as a guild!

  • An active Discord, with members that play various other games together too, and community events set periodically (quizzes, watch parties, charity events).

  • LGBTQ+ and Neurodivergent friendly!

  • Players new or experienced, of all skill levels welcome!

What we are looking for

  • That you are at least 18!

  • Respect and empathy for your fellow guildmates! We have members from all walks of life, and whilst banter is encouraged, be mindful that there is a person on the other side of the screen!

  • Although we have members from all over Europe, we ask that you have at least a good understanding of English.

  • Communication! If you’re struggling with something, or have issues in-game, we can only help you if you come to us and ask. I’m afraid we aren’t psychic =)

  • If you sign up for an event, please make sure you attend; and if you cannot, then all we ask is that you let us know beforehand.

  • Understanding that as a Casual guild, we may not always get to our goals quickly, but we pride ourselves in improving and achieveing them together, most of all! We will Silly Wipe our way to victory! :laughing:

  • Willingness to help your fellow guildmates!

  • Positive attitude! And a willingness to learn and accept help if needed! (Heroic Raiding specificially will need you to take some initiative to want to make improvements if you’re struggling. We’re happy to help if you ask us =) )

  • Play what you enjoy; not what you think we “need!”

  • Toxic, elitist players need not apply; If you join us, you’re doing so on the understanding that we ARE casual leaning, and not willing to bend our inclusive, and helpful environment to cater to more hardcore players who can’t accept this fact.

  • We will be asking new recruits going forward to allow for a 1 month trial period.
    This is, more than anything, to ensure you gel well with the guild, as we seem to repeatedly get players who at first say they want casual, but then take issue with that side of us and turn nasty.

Raid days are;

  • Saturdays 20:00 - 22:00 ST
  • Sundays 20:00 - 22:00

>> Currently, our raid team is full for TWW, but we will add people to the bench and cycle them in as people drop out (as sometimes life requires they do) <<

Contact info
If you have any questions, or are interested in joining us, please feel free to add me!
bnet: Westie#2496
Discord: xWestie

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