Hey Nice Marmot 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Pyrophobe
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

"Love Drama and toxicity? Do you like being screamed at by 16 year olds for being late or missing a raid day? Looking for the best PvE and PvP guild? A guild with the most competent mythic raiders and hardcore PvPers ready and willing to carry and teach you their secrets? Well, we’re not that guild, but if you want a group of laid-back dudes and dudettes who like pizza, beer and smokes then this may be the guild for you!”

Established in 2020 Hey Nice Marmot is an english speaking, adult, chilled, AOTC, cross faction guild based on EU-Draenor. We have built our community away from the usual toxicity, drama, bs and hostility other guilds and group finder have to offer. We have a great, friendly, and interesting bunch of people aged between 20 and bus pass from throughout the UK, EU and further afield with varying amounts of skill and experience. Some members have played since vanilla; some have only found wow more recently and everything in between.

Our overall goal is to build a great community of like-minded people to enjoy the game together and experience the range of content wow has to offer whether that be raiding, m+, leveling, mount/ach/transmog runs and everything else in between.


The marmots have 2 raid teams; a casual raid team and a more focused core raid team. Since forming in Shadowlands we have achieved curve every tier.

Throughout both teams we aim to keep a chilled out vibe, we don’t care about the meta, the best parses or want an intense raiding environment however we want players who are looking to constantly improve themselves, will put work into their characters, learn from their mistakes, be able to receive and give constructive criticism and generally put the teams and guilds need before their own. Just turning up on raid night is not sufficient.

Our Core Raid Team runs 2 days a week (WED/THUR 2030-2300ST). As a more focused team we expect a bit more from our players in regards to performance, consistency, attendance and commitment. As such there will be a trial period for this team. Our Core Raid cycle is usually 12 weeks, achieving AOTC in around 6 weeks and then having the raid on farm and possibly dabbling in a couple of mythic bosses depending on interest and numbers.

Currently our Casual Team currently runs 1 day a week (MON 2030-2300ST) This run is for social members or alts who can’t regularly commit or want to experience the raid at a slightly slower pace and an environment with less pressure of the damage and heal checks of the core raid. The goal is to achieve AOTC before the end of the season and we may add an extra day depending on interest/progress.


We love running m+ and pushing each other’s keys. There are toons and players in the guild at all key levels; those starting out on their journey learning what mobs to interrupt and what mobs blow you off the platform, those looking to achieve KSM/KSH every tier and those pushing higher keys.

Keys are run in the guild daily and we also put on some events and welcome all to build knowledge, experience and have a laugh in a no pressure, chilled environment.


We also enjoy leveling, world quests, doing mount runs, dungeon and raid meta-achievements and some light pvp. We also have an active discord and play other games too!


All of our recruitment is done through our guilds of wow page. There you will also see our guild rules and raiding rules/expectations. Sometimes we do not receive notifications of new applications so just drop a message on this post if you don’t hear anything :slight_smile:

guildsofwow. com/hey-nice-marmot




DPS: OPEN (Shaman/Paladin prefered but will consider all for the right person)

*We are always open to like-minded social players *

New Paradigm 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tinyredbull
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hey All!

:boom: New Paradigm is looking for more raiders and M+ runners for Season 4 and beyond! :boom:

As we’re a social guild first, everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or commitment to play time - we have a structure in place that has something for everybody and very much consider this game for what it is - a hobby. Family, work and other things will always take priority!

Created in late-Battle for Azeroth, we’re going into our 5th year as a Guild now with this successful formula of letting people play when they want to play, without stress and fear of “having to show up”. There’s a distinction between Raiders and Socials in NP - folks who are willing to and able to commit a bit more and folks who’re very much playing on their own time. Alongside our scheduled Raid content, we’re also hosting various Social events on Sundays ranging from alt and achievement raids to scavenger hunts among other things.

We’re currently looking to expand and make the community bigger so that we’re able to run larger events in the near and distant future as well as provide a learning environment for newer folks as we feel that there’s a need for such a space!

Below is an updated priority list for recruitment.

:star2: We are currently recruiting all roles so please reach out, even if your role is listed as low! :star2:

:shield: Tanks: Low

:pill: Healers: Very High!

:crossed_swords: Melee DPS: Low

:dart: Ranged DPS: Medium

Ultimately everyone is welcome and the role status is mainly to secure a few core positions in the raid team. If you’re interested or want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or one of our officers in-game!

Tinyredbull (BNet: FredMere#2156 / Discord: tinyfred)
Cubixhunt (BNet: XCubiX#21652 / Discord: pinar_r)

:arrow_forward: Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday @8PM-11PM Server Time/CET! :arrow_backward:

Sunday Socials usually start at the same time slot on Sunday!

For more information, check out our website.
There is a seamless application process there, but not necessary!

Enjoy your time in WoW and I hope to be able to welcome you to New Paradigm soon!

Speak Soon,


Who needs a Soul
Guild Information
Recruiter: Drewbacca
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:fire: Guild Name: Who Needs A Soul
:earth_africa: Server: EU-Doomhammer
:map: Progression: 9/9 HC | Currently setting up for Season 4 & The War Within
:shield: Focus: Social Players, Mythic+, Raiding, and more!

:trophy: About Us
Freshly created guild made of foundering members who have played together for the last decade and have curved every raid. we are currently gearing up for Season 4 & The War Within. This isn’t just about short-term gains; it’s a journey we’re committed to! We’re a close-knit guild on EU-Doomhammer, dedicated to raiding, fostering friendships, and having a good time together.

:scroll: Why join us?
We are made of a group of friend from different countries all brought together over the past 10years in WoW, we are looking to have a semi hardcore group of likeminded M+ and Raid Pushers. and we value new friendships made along the way.

:date: Raiding & Social Events:
We run our main HC Raids weekly with the goal of moving to Mythic in time, whilst other nights are dedicated to M+.

:star2: What We Offer:

  • A mature, inclusive, and respectful community (ages 17 and up)
  • Strong leadership with clear strategies for raiding success
  • Opportunities for personal growth and regular social gatherings, including events such as guild parties and more!
  • A vision for the long-term, supported by committed members
  • An organised and lively Discord server
  • Regular Mythic+ outings to tackle dungeons together and improve our skills

:mag: We’re Looking For:

  • Players who know their spec/class well and aim for Mythic-level performance
  • Team players who value cooperation over individual achievements
  • Individuals who welcome constructive feedback and use it to improve
  • Fluent English speakers who actively engage in discussions
  • Players dedicated to achieving our shared goals
  • Raiders who show up prepared with consumables and knowledge of upcoming encounters
  • Members who have a functioning microphone and aren’t shy about using it

:sparkles: Guild Culture: We maintain a mature atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a balance of serious raiding and a friendly vibe.

:handshake: Join Us!
If Who Needs a Soul resonates with you, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’re thrilled to welcome new members who share our passion and enthusiasm.“Who Needs a Soul”

Disguised Murlocs 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tygree
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Disguised Murlocs recruiting all players! :crossed_swords:
We are a newly formed guild on Silvermoon running HC Raids and Mythic+ Keys of all sorts. Socials are also welcome!

We are a Heroic Raiding Group aiming to progress to mythic once we are ready for it. Long term goal is to be ready and set for the new expansion later this year. We are looking for players that know how to raid or are willing to put in the effort to learn it.

Our discord server is very populated during evenings on weekdays or throughout the day on weekends, where we chat while running M+ Keys, do transmog runs or occasionally level another alt (we’ve all been there :wink:).

All our events will be posted on discord on mondays, so people can sign up for the week ahead.

If you are on another server but still want to take part, thats also possible!


  • core raiding group of ~15 players
  • clearing all Awakened Raids weekly (see logs on warcraftlogs)
  • healthy mixture of experienced and motivated players
  • set raiding schedule, twice/week
  • active Discord & Community (pushing all sorts of keys, lvling professions, farming transmogs …)

raiding schedule:

  • WEDnesday: 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time
  • SUNday: 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time

If we caught your attention or you have questions, please add me on discord izlandazi or Izlandazi#2485.

Hope to hear from you soon! :v:

EU-Argent Dawn
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jwcomp
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:fire:Join the Adventure in Our New World of Warcraft Community - Warcraft Legends!:fire:

Greetings fellow adventurers,

Are you ready to embark on an epic journey through the realms of Azeroth? Look no further, because our brand-new World of Warcraft community is calling out to all heroes, mages, warriors, and rogues alike!

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced recruit, our community offers a vibrant and welcoming space for players of all levels. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources, strategies, and camaraderie to enhance your gaming experience.

What can you expect from joining our ranks?

  1. Tired of braving the dangers of Azeroth alone? Join forces with fellow members for epic quests, dungeon runs, and raids. Together, we’ll conquer the most formidable foes and claim glory for our faction!
  2. Have burning questions about class builds, professions, or lore? Our community is a hub of wisdom where seasoned players share their insights and newcomers can learn the ropes.
  3. Get ready for adrenaline-pumping events and thrilling contests that test your skills and creativity. From PvP tournaments to transmog competitions, there’s always something exciting happening in our community.
  4. Leave the toxicity behind and immerse yourself in a supportive and inclusive environment. We believe in respect, teamwork, and having fun above all else.
  5. Show off your artistic talents, share your epic screenshots, or spin tales of your adventures in our dedicated channels. Let your creativity shine!

So, whether you’re a fierce Horde warrior or a noble Alliance paladin, come join us and become part of something truly special. The world of Azeroth awaits, and the bonds of friendship forged in battle are stronger than any Armor.

Join our World of Warcraft community today, and let’s write our own legends together!

For the Horde! For the Alliance! For Azeroth!

Discord - /haWEfGBV2W

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