New Paradigm 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tinyredbull
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hey All!

:boom: New Paradigm is looking for more raiders and M+ runners for Season 4 and beyond! :boom:

As we’re a social guild first, everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or commitment to play time - we have a structure in place that has something for everybody and very much consider this game for what it is - a hobby. Family, work and other things will always take priority!

Created in late-Battle for Azeroth, we’re going into our 5th year as a Guild now with this successful formula of letting people play when they want to play, without stress and fear of “having to show up”. There’s a distinction between Raiders and Socials in NP - folks who are willing to and able to commit a bit more and folks who’re very much playing on their own time. Alongside our scheduled Raid content, we’re also hosting various Social events on Sundays ranging from alt and achievement raids to scavenger hunts among other things.

We’re currently looking to expand and make the community bigger so that we’re able to run larger events in the near and distant future as well as provide a learning environment for newer folks as we feel that there’s a need for such a space!

Below is an updated priority list for recruitment.

:star2: We are currently recruiting all roles so please reach out, even if your role is listed as low! :star2:

:shield: Tanks: Low

:pill: Healers: Very High!

:crossed_swords: Melee DPS: Low

:dart: Ranged DPS: Medium

Ultimately everyone is welcome and the role status is mainly to secure a few core positions in the raid team. If you’re interested or want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or one of our officers in-game!

Tinyredbull (BNet: FredMere#2156 / Discord: tinyfred)
Cubixhunt (BNet: XCubiX#21652 / Discord: pinar_r)

:arrow_forward: Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday @8PM-11PM Server Time/CET! :arrow_backward:

Sunday Socials usually start at the same time slot on Sunday!

For more information, check out our website.
There is a seamless application process there, but not necessary!

Enjoy your time in WoW and I hope to be able to welcome you to New Paradigm soon!

Speak Soon,


Hey Nice Marmot 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Pyrophobe
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

"Love Drama and toxicity? Do you like being screamed at by 16 year olds for being late or missing a raid day? Looking for the best PvE and PvP guild? A guild with the most competent mythic raiders and hardcore PvPers ready and willing to carry and teach you their secrets? Well, we’re not that guild, but if you want a group of laid-back dudes and dudettes who like pizza, beer and smokes then this may be the guild for you!”

Established in 2020 Hey Nice Marmot is an english speaking, adult, chilled, AOTC, cross faction guild based on EU-Draenor. We have built our community away from the usual toxicity, drama, bs and hostility other guilds and group finder have to offer. We have a great, friendly, and interesting bunch of people aged between 20 and bus pass from throughout the UK, EU and further afield with varying amounts of skill and experience. Some members have played since vanilla; some have only found wow more recently and everything in between.

Our overall goal is to build a great community of like-minded people to enjoy the game together and experience the range of content wow has to offer whether that be raiding, m+, leveling, mount/ach/transmog runs and everything else in between.


The marmots have 2 raid teams; a casual raid team and a more focused core raid team. Since forming in Shadowlands we have achieved curve every tier.

Throughout both teams we aim to keep a chilled out vibe, we don’t care about the meta, the best parses or want an intense raiding environment however we want players who are looking to constantly improve themselves, will put work into their characters, learn from their mistakes, be able to receive and give constructive criticism and generally put the teams and guilds need before their own. Just turning up on raid night is not sufficient.

Our Core Raid Team runs 2 days a week (WED/THUR 2030-2300ST). As a more focused team we expect a bit more from our players in regards to performance, consistency, attendance and commitment. As such there will be a trial period for this team. Our Core Raid cycle is usually 12 weeks, achieving AOTC in around 6 weeks and then having the raid on farm and possibly dabbling in a couple of mythic bosses depending on interest and numbers.

Currently our Casual Team currently runs 1 day a week (MON 2030-2300ST) This run is for social members or alts who can’t regularly commit or want to experience the raid at a slightly slower pace and an environment with less pressure of the damage and heal checks of the core raid. The goal is to achieve AOTC before the end of the season and we may add an extra day depending on interest/progress.


We love running m+ and pushing each other’s keys. There are toons and players in the guild at all key levels; those starting out on their journey learning what mobs to interrupt and what mobs blow you off the platform, those looking to achieve KSM/KSH every tier and those pushing higher keys.

Keys are run in the guild daily and we also put on some events and welcome all to build knowledge, experience and have a laugh in a no pressure, chilled environment.


We also enjoy leveling, world quests, doing mount runs, dungeon and raid meta-achievements and some light pvp. We also have an active discord and play other games too!


All of our recruitment is done through our guilds of wow page. There you will also see our guild rules and raiding rules/expectations. Sometimes we do not receive notifications of new applications so just drop a message on this post if you don’t hear anything :slight_smile:

guildsofwow. com/hey-nice-marmot




DPS: OPEN (Shaman/Paladin prefered but will consider all for the right person)

*We are always open to like-minded social players *

Casual Pizza Cats 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Lawnlurker
Server Rank: #8
EU Rank: #2606

:pizza: Casual Pizza Cats are recruiting raiders and socials! :cat:

Are you either or both of these two?

  • Someone who enjoys raiding and M+?
  • An active social player: someone who wants to join events and clear content together with guildies.

Then, Casual Pizza Cats might just be for you!
Our guild has a rich history of raiding and M+ going back to the early days of WoD.
We are a very organized guild, focusing on having a great community that comes together to play the game you love with people you enjoy being with.


Raids are 8-11pm on Wednesday (Party Night) and Sunday (Progress Night).

We have a flexible roster, so you will not be punished for missing a raid. !@#$ happens, we all know it. That said, loyalty is rewarded. We bring solid raid leadership, feasts, and vantus runes. In return, we expect you to bring a good understanding of your class and fight mechanics, and a great attitude.

We are looking for raiders who want to progress on heroic and eventually mythic, at a chill pace, with a fun guild.
Our guild was once one of the top raiding guilds back in Legion & BFA, but we have recently taken a hit on both members and activity. Therefore we are looking to reinvent ourselves by taking a more defensive approach for the time being!
While our focus will mainly be AOTC, we have historically cleared heroic very quickly.
So mythic raiding will quickly become an option, whereas if both membercount and interest align is something we will surely start participating in.

As for M+ we have a wide array of people doing keys of all levels, some pushers and some laidback. A common theme is that everyone enjoys bringing along guildees for keys of their desired level.
We aspire to be as inclusive as we can be, and the M+ scene is no exception.

Monday night is Monday Mythic Mayhem - we run Mythic+ to get everyone a weekly key done for their Great Vault.


We always aspire to have frequent social activities. These events include stuff like pub quizzes, transmog or achievement runs, level 1 races etc…
Finally, we have a bunch of altoholics, and if we’re really tired of life, we might even fish together.

If being a Social is more your speed but at the same time dipping your toe into raiding and M+ is somerthing you’d like to try? Go for it!
We are always on the lookout to include socials for them to expand on their ingame-activities.

All members are 18+ and mostly students/working, and so the guild (Discord) is most active in the evenings. We are all pretty chill people, and we like to keep it that way. We don’t tolerate drama or immature behavior.

We do not recruit the character. We recruit the person behind the character.


  • We are on Bronzebeard, which is on a connected server (Aerie Peak/Eonar/Vek’nilash/Blade’s Edge).
  • We log all our raids and are happy to help you with your log.
  • We stream our raids over at:
  • We post videos of our shenanigans over at:
  • We hang out on Discord:
  • Our subreddit has more info:


One of our recruiters will get in touch with you afterwards!

If you have any questions, contact either Torche, Callistra or myself once you’ve joined our discord.

Innocuous 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ryznshyn
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Innocuous is a newly formed Weekend Raiding guild focusing on Casual AOTC content, with an emphasis on the Social aspect and making buddies & a learning friendly environment.

We have a deliberately smaller raid team & guild, to preserve that feeling of having a bond with your fellow guild members, and are only sparingly adding to it.

In S4 we have fully cleared all 3 Awakened Raids on Heroic mode, so we’re looking toward the next expansion hereon.

Our raid schedule:

Fri - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 10 mins break time)
Sat - 20:00-22:15 Server Time (total of 10 mins break time)

Our S4 Progress:

AVOTI - 9/9 HC
AATSC - 9/9 HC
AATDH - 9/9 HC

What We Offer:

:small_blue_diamond: Casual & Weekend Raiding
:small_blue_diamond: Mythic Plus
:small_blue_diamond: Mature Environment
:small_blue_diamond: Learning Friendly

What we expect from you:

:arrow_right: Raiders: If you are joining us to be part of our raid team, you should be able to raid both our scheduled days/times, barring very exceptional circumstances or emergencies of course.
:arrow_right:Mythic Plus: Running keys together at all levels, 2-10+, whatever suits people the most, in a no-pressure environment. But try to be active & involved with guildies.
:arrow_right:Be mature: Don’t make other players uncomfortable and be able to get along well with your guildies.

Currently Recruiting:

1-2x Tank - HIGH prio ( covering for re-rolls in TWW )
1x Heal - HIGH prio
1-2x DPS - Medium prio ( recruiting mainly for TWW)

Interested players can add me on bnet or discord, so we can have a quick chat :slight_smile:

Bnet: Sykretts#1919

Discord: sykretts

Alternatively, you can leave a reply here or share your details here as well.

EU-Argent Dawn
Shaded 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Aliranel
Server Rank: #32
EU Rank: #2121

Hello friends! <Amare Equilibrium> is looking for you!

We are a cross-faction, cross-realm community/guild that focuses on AotC and KSM+. You could classify us as semi-hardcore while also keeping a social environment outside of our raid days.

We have a guild on Argent Dawn, but we won’t ask you to start fresh or transfer to the server. Most of our communication happens through Discord.

Our guild/community was created as a fun and open space for everyone, no matter if you are a veteran or beginner. We offer a chill and open-minded atmosphere for anyone who wants the same. You will always be welcomed and allowed to be yourself with us, within reason of course.

What can we offer each other?

Our focus is HC raiding with AoTC as the main goal.
Raid days are Thursday and Monday, from 20:00 to 23:00 server time.

We have achieved AoTC for the past two tiers and hope to continue to do so!

Mythic+ is another big one, with some of us putting together group runs almost every day.
Many guildies shoot for KSM and above each season, as well as offer help to others who are interested in learning to improve or looking to just have some fun.

What we would like of you:

  • Age: 18+
  • Discord: Be able to listen! Having a mic is preferred. Being present in VC during raids is mandatory!
  • An ilvl of at least 460.
  • A basic understanding of your class and motivation to improve if/when needed.

Above all we expect everyone to show respect towards each other. Please don’t forget that there are people behind the pixels. Life can be tough, no need to make it worse!

What we are currently recruiting:

At the moment what we really are looking for are DPS, specifically ranged! And, ideally a mage or hunter. We will consider other DPS as well, but please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee you a spot in our raid team.

We also need a tank (any class is welcome).

And we need a healer (priest preferred; but will accept anything you enjoy playing).

Alright, so what now?

If you’re interested in joining us, want more info, or simply wish to have a chat, you can contact us on:
Discord: Inquilab or retribute_red
BNet: Inquilab#2831 or punchfire#2303

We hope to see you soon!

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