US-Borean Tundra
Fates Call 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Marathal
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Are you looking for a new guild? Let me amend that, are you looking for a new home?

Maybe you’ve always wondered what being a part of one would be like, perhaps you have joined ones in the past and felt like you didn’t belong. Or worse, belonged to one, and you feel like an outcast because you can’t play at the level expected of you to be included.

Maybe you have come back from a break and discovered yourself guildless or in a guild you no longer recognize? Are you looking for a new challenge, wanting to try group content but never quite got up the nerve? Or worse, you tried group content with random people and it didn’t live up to expectations?

Maybe you just want someone to talk with, or are fairly new to the game and are having trouble figuring out a quest. We have members that have played from the beginning, some that have a great deal of knowledge in all the classes and specs, some like myself that focus on playing one class as best as we can. We are not here to judge you. We are here to offer you a home. A chance to make some new friends, to have people laugh because your old like me, as long as I can tell you to get off my lawn.

Well then, the Fates may be Calling out to you today.

Fates Call is a guild with a long history, established in 2009 and still going strong. We were founded with a principal that real life should always come first, and that playing World of Warcraft should be for fun, for a challenge, for community, but never as a job. We have had members as young as 13, and people in their 70’s. Those of us that are old timers have been around since the beginnings of video games. I’m sure we can tell stories of the old days of dial up connections and trying to run through Dalaran at 2 frames a second.

Certainly over the years we’ve struggled through losses and mass changes, yet we stand firm against the flow of time and are rebuilding once again to discover new content together.

We can provide a home for those simply looking for company on their journey, but we can also provide opportunities for those who may wish to take on a more proactive role.

We are open for cross server and cross faction recruitment, and have a cross faction community channel set up so we can get you in. Hopefully The War Within doesn’t break anything. :scream:

We do have our haters out there, any guild that has been around as long as we have will have those that feel like the way we do things isn’t right, and that we should change what we have always been to something else. Absolutely we wish them well for the upcoming expansion. And for the most part we are always open to any that may have left to pursue other things to challenge themselves, and found it to not be what made the game fun.

We have always tried to be a little bit of everything, we’ve had in the past those that have organized PvP, for a long period of time we were a very successful raiding guild routinely clearing Heroic AoTC, even times in the past where we have done organized achievement runs for those odd ones that seem to stump people. We organized level 1 races for any on the server(s) interested, even a yearly Christmas card open to all to participate in. It’s always been about community

Come and see what all the fuss is about! You can find us in the in game guild recruitment. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

As for raiding in case you look up our WoW Progress or Raider IO information, we presently do not have a raid team, but would love for anyone interested to join and help build one where everyone has a chance, is willing to laugh when someone on auto run pulls the boss, and knows that some times people have an off night. We do not encourage the team to bench someone just because it’s taking some time to down a boss. We’ve all been there, everyone learns differently. And I would certainly rather play with a bunch of people that can laugh when it’s funny, but also take it seriously when we need to.

Adulting Poorly 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Deelahn
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Recruiting friends of Azeroth! As we approach The War Within expansion, Adulting Poorly, a cross-faction guild on the Frostwolf cluster is recruiting for our new guild! Until cross realm guilds arrive, the connected realms are as follows:

  • Drak’Tharon NA US
  • Firetree NA US
  • Malorne NA US
  • Rivendare NA US
  • Spirestone NA US
  • Stormscale NA US
  • Vashj NA US


  • We are a new guild that over time will hopefully jump into Mythic+ dungeons and normal/heroic raiding. We are a woman led, inclusive guild that does not foster being “clique-y”. We are an adult guild that likes to have a good time, with respect, inclusiveness and kindness as our core values.
    :boom: We have a Discord channel!:boom:


  • We are currently open to all factions, classes, roles, and activities. As a new guild, we’re taking everyone who can abide by our values and is excited to get in at the ground level.

:speech_balloon: Btag: Deelahn#1876 / Discord: Deelahn_1876 :speech_balloon:

:point_right: Link to join: [Adulting Poorly | Guilds of WoW] :point_left:
https:// guildsofwow. com/adulting-poorly
(copy/paste and remove the spaces to use link.)

Fear No Evil 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Fuzzycheese
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Fear No Evil is a midcore guild of friends who have been playing the game together to accomplish the same goals, with varying levels of pve/pvp experience. While some of us have been around since Vanilla, raiding MC and BWL, some are fresh faces with Dragonflight.

We are looking for more exceptional members to join as we are building a strong raid team for TWW with goals to clear Mythic.

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 - 9:30pm CST (Server time)

  • (KeyFest): Wednesday 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM CST (Server Time)

What classes are we looking for?

Healers Need: Low
We currently have the healer slots full, but an active DPS with a healing offspec would be nice.

Ranged DPS Need: Medium
No need for Mages and Hunters unfortunately

Melee DPS: Need: Medium
We are in need of most melee classes with the exception of DKs and Paladins.

Tanks Need: Medium
A Tank that is proficient in more than 1 spec

What we offer:

  • Devoted M+ groups that guarantee everyone gets their Mythic+ vault filled each week;
  • Raiders are supplied with feasts, flasks, runes, and guild repairs;
  • Respectful and active members and officers always willing to help;
  • Sociable and fun environment via discord on a daily basis for all types of players.

What we value:
Competence: Knowledge of fights and mechanics, understanding of your class and role. Everyone learns at their own pace but research is the best way to start being ready to contribute.

Willingness to Learn/Improve: Everyone makes mistakes, but repetitive mistakes stop progression. Officers are available and will actively go through areas where people fall short to help push progression provided they are willing.

Guild Commitment: We require raiders to complete a minimum of 4 keys per week. We are all adults and understand people have real-life obligations but we offer the facilities to get these requirements done in a fun and quick manner to achieve the guild’s goals.

Reach out to us via discord for any further information.

US-Area 52
The Rhombus Knights 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brewtaliity
Server Rank: #193
US Rank: #1243

Current Progression AATDH 3/9M | AATDH 4/9M | AVOTI 3/9M

Rhombus Knights is looking to recruit DPS for the remainder of Season 4 Mythic progression and into TWW. We are looking for 2 additional DPS to bring in to our team to complete the consistent group. Special attention will be to any Warlock(s) as we are needing one.

We have built out Discord for signup weekly and for overall management. We are not some crazy “parse guild” and are looking for completion of the raids while having a great time. We work on becoming masters of our classes and strategies and are honest with our feedback and raid leading. We approach each raid in a positive way with transparency and open communication. “new pull New You” is our mantra as our goal is to get better with each pull and missed 1 shot mechanic :blush:

We have started to implement just standards/expectations going into TWW from a gearing standpoint and just overall numbers. At the end of the day we care about getting the bosses down and having fun doing them. Numbers only come into play if that is the only issue. I am a transparent and open guild/raid leader who will always provide context to issues or ideas etc.

Application : : Please contact Kamakasii#3987 (Discord) or B-NET (Viro13lade#1397)

Powerpuff 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Rekieuwu
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

:star2: Sugar, spice, and everything nice! Introducing Powerpuff Guild! :star2:

:crown:- Guild Name: Powerpuff
:cherry_blossom:- Server: NA-Azgalor (Azshara, Blood Furnace, Destromath, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, Thunderlord) :star:Open to other servers in for the War Within​:star:
:cherry_blossom:- Language: English
:crossed_swords:- Faction: Alliance (Horde Welcome)
:star:- Item Level: Any
:bar_chart:- Experience: New or Returning Player

Join us in our quest for adventure and camaraderie in the world of Azeroth! Powerpuff Guild is a sanctuary for mature players seeking fun and friendship, where even Mojojojo would feel at home (well, almost). We are looking for all class types for The War Within <3

:tada: Dive into the excitement with us:

:confetti_ball: Old Dungeon/Raid Mount Runs
:confetti_ball: Transmog Runs
:confetti_ball: Pet Battles/Collecting
:confetti_ball: World Content
:confetti_ball: Current Raids
:confetti_ball: Mythic Keys
And so much more awaits you in our guild of heroes!

Raid days are TBD!

If you’re ready to join the ranks of the Powerpuff Guild and help us keep Mojojojo at bay.

Please contact
Discord - Rekie
Battlenet- Rekieuwu#1482

Together, we’ll make Azeroth a better place, one adventure at a time! :muscle::dizzy:

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