Guild Information
Recruiter: Smaugumz
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

<Serenìty> is a mythic raiding and mythic plus-focused guild.

:fire: Recruiting for Season 4 and The War Within! :fire:

Guild hoppers need not apply. Time is valuable; don’t waste ours, and we won’t waste yours.

Server cluster (Central Time Zone):
Azgalor, Azshara, Blood Furnace, Destromath, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, and Thunderlord.

About us:

We strive to become a progressive mythic raiding guild while achieving AOTC as fast as possible as our standard. Outside of WoW, we vibe with Discord Activities, music, and play other games together.

:eyes: What we’re looking for:

We seek motivated players willing to develop, learn, and put in the work to gear up their characters and fine-tune their gameplay.

:studio_microphone: Requirements:

  • Discord voice chat for raiding/M+.
  • Willingness to socialize in Discord and put in the effort to get to know guildmates and run content.
  • Follow guild conduct guidelines: No toxicity, racism, homophobia, or drama.
  • Must be a team player able to accept constructive criticism.
  • Raiders must have RC Loot Council, DBM/Bigwigs, WeakAuras, and Method Raid Tools installed.

:computer_mouse: Trial process:

  • Join our Discord and fill out an application.
  • Once your application has been submitted, recruiters will contact you to set up a verbal chat in Discord.
  • If you decide to trial with us, you will be invited to one of our raids for one week.
  • After the trial process, we will determine if we are a mutual fit.

:ok_hand: Expectations:
We offer a non-toxic, welcoming environment. Members must adhere to guild conduct guidelines and raid rules.


:man_mage: Raiding:

We carry a limited raid schedule to avoid burnout. Individual preparation is held in high value for progression raiders and newer applicants who show ambition. The guild supplies feasts, repairs, and Vantus Runes.

Raid schedules:

  • :cat: Sol’s Mythic group: Tuesday and Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. CST
  • :otter: AOTC/Mythic weekday group: Tuesday and Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. CST
  • :panda_face: Saturday AOTC group: Saturday, 7-10 p.m. CST

Current needs:

  • Sol’s Mythic: Quality DPS
  • AOTC/Mythic weekday group: DPS
  • Saturday AOTC group: Any class/spec

Current progression for Sol’s Mythic group:
A. Vault: 5/9M
A. Abberus: 3/9M
A. Amir: 4/9M


:love_letter: If you are looking to develop in M+ or raiding, we encourage you to message us on Discord (tags in parentheses):

  • GM: Monk (Schnookmz)
  • Co-GM/Main Recruiter: Sol (RoadhouseSK)
  • Recruitment Officer: Vez (Vez7974) - Surp (Surplusxd)

Do you have raid-leading experience? Message @Schnookmz or @RoadhouseSK on Discord!

:chicken: Guild Discord:

Peons 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Floweret
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

About Peons:
Established since the days of Molten Core, Peons boasts a seasoned core of raiders dedicated to achieving Ahead of the Curve (AotC) and the meta achievements for each raid. We are commitmented to ensuring that each new expansion or season sees us swiftly clearing normal raids before diving into heroic content. Additionally, we prioritize dedicating 1-2 weeks to securing the meta achievement after AotC, fostering a positive and social raiding experience for all members.

At Peons, we hold our raiders to a high standard of class and spec proficiency. We expect members to arrive prepared with enchants, gems, potions, and other essentials, although raid food/flasks are typically provided. While familiarity with boss mechanics is recommended, it’s essential to us that you approach each fight with readiness and a willingness to learn. Furthermore, we encourage our raiders to actively engage in Mythic+ dungeons for enhanced rewards and contribute to our raiding progression.

Raid Times:
Our raids are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-10pm CST. Additionally, our Peons fosters regular Mythic+ groups throughout the week.

Recruitment Needs:
Currently, we are seeking talented individuals to bolster our ranks:

Shadow Priest
Windwalker Monk
DPS Warrior
Retribution Paladin
Aug Evoker
Interested? Reach out to us:

Discord: Flower5955 Taedas#1174

Join Peons today! We appreciate your interest!

Yoggdrasil 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Winglessfly
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

[A/H] Frostmoure - Recruiting for TWW Raid Team!

Are you a chill player looking for a welcoming guild to conquer TWW content with? Look no further! Yoggdrasil, an AOTC-focused guild on Frostmourne, is bolstering our ranks for upcoming raids and Myth+ adventures.

About Us: We are a group of veteran players, pride ourselves on a relaxed yet determined approach to raiding. We aim for Ahead of the Curve with a “getting it done” attitude, while keeping the atmosphere fun and pressure-free. Our Myth+ focus is on enjoyment and progression rather than pushing the highest keys. Additionally, we enjoy hosting social events and engaging in some lighthearted shenanigans to keep the guild lively and entertaining.

Although most of our raiders are not active atm due to taking a break, at launch we are all in and hoping to have you there!

Raid Schedule:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays at 9pm ST

We tend to keep it smaller with 12-14 raiders in our team, we like the closeness :smiley:

What We’re Looking For: We seek players who are passionate about progression and enjoy playing the game and their chosen classes. Current openings include:

  • Off Tank
  • Healer
  • DPS (various)

Contact Information:

  • Wingless#11877
  • Discord: wingless_fly

Join us and be part of a community that values both achievement and camaraderie.

HardcoreCasuals 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Arthedain
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #


HardcoreCasuals is an AoTC/Early Mythic-focused guild and looking to add more to our team! We play at a 2.5 – 3.0K .io level and are transitioning into casual Mythic. We maintain a high level of play while honoring our real-life commitments. M+ and raids are our focus, but if you are interested in simply being a part of an active, fun, chill community, hit us up! HC was formed in Season 3 of Shadowlands, and we have a core raiding group of 16 - 18 players and are looking for 3 - 4 members for the new Xpac!


We raid Tuesday/Wednesday at 8:00-11:00 PM EST. Invites at 7:50 SHARP!

Our recruitment needs are below. While servers are not as important as they once were, if you are looking to transfer and need assistance, we can help!

TANKS: Closed


MELEE DPS: Open - monk and DH needed FYI, but other applicants welcome

ANY are welcome to apply! Although… kind of full on hunters … :slight_smile:


  • We have fun! We like to joke around and poke fun at one another, but when it comes down to it, it’s crunch time.
  • We help out! We offer in-depth analysis of parses to improve your game. We assist with consumables, enchants, walkthroughs.
  • We Raid! Our aim is to establish a team to achieve AoTC, and progress early Mythic. Feasts and phials will be provided by the guild.
  • We key! Whether you’re someone with 2.5k+ .io or someone with little experience when it comes to keys, we’re always looking for people keen to run keys and hit KSM with.


  • People who want to be part of a community that knows how to joke around but take the boss pulls seriously.
  • Raid and M+ interest.
  • Be part of a team and improve on their performance.

If you are interested, hit us up here, in game, or Discord (preferred):

Bnet: Arthedain#1846, Discord: Arth0814

SEAcret Society 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Sheerlock
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Bal’a dash, malanore.

Are you tired of wandering Azeroth alone, looking for a guild that feels more like a cozy tavern hangout and less like naga-infested waters? Well, grab your hearthstone and teleport right over to SEAcret Society in Barthilas!

who we are

:man_mage: We’re a band of Horde / Alliance heroes hailing from the Asia Pacific, bound together by our love for WoW, our mutual passion for gaming, and a shared desire to have a blast in-game while we pursue legendary loot and good fun. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a rookie just finding your feet in Azeroth, there’s a spot for you in our guild.

:crossed_swords: We’re the kind of guild that loves to conquer mythic+ dungeons, do achievement runs, relive legacy raids, and maybe share a few embarrassing moments along the way. We enjoy teasing each other, laughing at each other’s “face palm” moments in game.

:unicorn: Now, we may be working adults, but that doesn’t mean we’ve lost our sense of fun! From exploring new content to chasing after rare mounts and transmogs, there’s always something exciting happening in our guild.

:japanese_ogre: Raid nights are our chance to shine, with Wednesday and Friday evenings reserved for taking down the toughest foes Azeroth has to offer. And when it comes to raiding, we’re serious about slaying bosses — but we’ll never sacrifice good vibes for progress.

:pizza: Our legendary powers are being empathetic and respectful of our guildies’ time and need to have their real lives outside of the game. So if you need to AFK for a minute to feed your Murloc pet, or attend a real-life raid of your own, we’ve got your back!

our raid times

• Wednesday 8:45pm – 12:00am GMT+8
• Friday 8:45pm – 12:00am GMT+8

We do have minimum expectations and standards for our raiders - and we ask that you keep yourself up to date on the raid mechanics so that we can be respectful of everyone’s time. We are more than happy to help out whenever we can to provide the support, advice and guidance you need in terms of your character or gameplay.

recruiting new heroes now

Join us on Discord and our guild WhatsApp group, where we chat about everything from WoW strategies to the latest binge-worthy shows. We’re a diverse bunch with interests as varied as our character classes, so don’t be surprised if the conversation takes unexpected turns!

If you’re tired of guild drama and toxic attitudes, come hang out with us instead. We’re all about creating a supportive, laid-back and inclusive environment where everyone can feel welcome and valued.

Because we truly believe there are enough enemies for us to overcome in Azeroth, there isn’t a need to start The War Within. :slight_smile:

Ready to join the fun? Hit us up on Battlenet:

:video_game: @Sheerlock#1155
:video_game: @madcat#6347
:video_game: @Synergy#6921
:video_game: @Akacorax#1135
:video_game: HalcyonSeven#1832

See you in-game! :video_game:

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