EU-Argent Dawn
Shaded 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Aliranel
Server Rank: #32
EU Rank: #2121

Hello friends! <Amare Equilibrium> is looking for you!

We are a cross-faction, cross-realm community/guild that focuses on AotC and KSM+. You could classify us as semi-hardcore while also keeping a social environment outside of our raid days.

We have a guild on Argent Dawn, but we won’t ask you to start fresh or transfer to the server. Most of our communication happens through Discord.

Our guild/community was created as a fun and open space for everyone, no matter if you are a veteran or beginner. We offer a chill and open-minded atmosphere for anyone who wants the same. You will always be welcomed and allowed to be yourself with us, within reason of course.

What can we offer each other?

Our focus is HC raiding with AoTC as the main goal.
Raid days are Thursday and Monday, from 20:00 to 23:00 server time.

We have achieved AoTC for the past two tiers and hope to continue to do so!

Mythic+ is another big one, with some of us putting together group runs almost every day.
Many guildies shoot for KSM and above each season, as well as offer help to others who are interested in learning to improve or looking to just have some fun.

What we would like of you:

  • Age: 18+
  • Discord: Be able to listen! Having a mic is preferred. Being present in VC during raids is mandatory!
  • An ilvl of at least 460.
  • A basic understanding of your class and motivation to improve if/when needed.

Above all we expect everyone to show respect towards each other. Please don’t forget that there are people behind the pixels. Life can be tough, no need to make it worse!

What we are currently recruiting:

At the moment what we really are looking for are DPS, specifically ranged! And, ideally a mage or hunter. We will consider other DPS as well, but please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee you a spot in our raid team.

We also need a tank (any class is welcome).

And we need a healer (priest preferred; but will accept anything you enjoy playing).

Alright, so what now?

If you’re interested in joining us, want more info, or simply wish to have a chat, you can contact us on:
Discord: Inquilab or retribute_red
BNet: Inquilab#2831 or punchfire#2303

We hope to see you soon!

Temporary Solution 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Pandaflausch
Server Rank: #126
EU Rank: #1600

Hello everyone,

Temporary Solution is an English-speaking mythic raiding guild on Draenor-EU.

We are looking for more like-minded, reliable people to add to our roster :slight_smile:

You don’t want to run 20 keys a week to farm BiS and crests? - No problem
You want to run 20 keys a week to farm BiS and crests? - No problem
You have alts you want to do keys on? - We got you covered
You like chatting with other ppl in Discord? - Look no further!

We want to progress in mythic as far as possible, whilst still having a good laugh and a relaxed atmosphere. As long as you can carry your weight, you are fine. We don’t want that people feel pressured to invest all their free time into the game.

It is after all: a game. It should be fun.
If you enjoy doing keys, you will find people here to do so. If that’s a +2 with alts or a weekly no leavers, we have everything.
We have an active discord and guild chat (the latter is depending on the time of the day though) and you can either actively participate or just lurk in the shadows. We have a mature atmosphere (childish fun at times included though)

During raids we take our progress seriously and have a focused raid atmosphere.
At the moment we are on Vault: 4/9, Aberrus: 3/9 and Amirdrassil 5/9 mythic .

Our raiding times are:

Wednesday 20:30-23:00 CET;

Sunday 20:30-23:00 CET;

Right now we are looking to reinforce our roster with:

  • dps with decent healing off-spec
  • ranges (anything but hunters & locks), in dire need of a mage

What would you need to bring to the table?

  • decent logs (we don’t need legendary parses to kill some mythic bosses)
  • hc xp
  • 500+ and 4set
  • able to join Discord during raids

For questions and application, please contact:

Rikachan#2491 on b-net or on Discord panda2491

Looking forward to having you in our team! :slight_smile:

Kazzak, LFMJan 25th, 2024 7:28 am
Jynx 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Makayda
Server Rank: #128
EU Rank: #2238

<Jynx> Founded originally back in 2008, has made comeback after a hiatus. The guild is located on the server Kazzak, and we are currently looking to strengthen our roster.

We are currently looking to expand our roster with like minded players that wish to progress current and forthcoming content in a stable paced manner, whilst keeping the environment relaxed and drama free. We are welcoming players of all experiences, be it from current patch to previous tiers.

Our ambition for next season is to clear normal and heroic difficulties, then venture into mythic progression. The top priority for this forthcoming tier is to build a core raid team in preparation for the further expansion.

Our progression at the moment is:


9/9 Hc
4/9 Mythic

VOTI Fated

5/8 HC

What do we expect from you as a raider:

  • We’re looking for players that consistently strive to improve their performance as the goal of the raid is always to achieve a cutting edge during the current tier.

  • Full knowledge of your class

  • Knowledge of the current tier.

  • Strong attendance 95%+.

  • A stable computer and internet connection.

  • To have a fully functional mic and be able to speak is highly desired.

  • The ability to accept criticism without taking it personally.

  • Your character needs to be optimized with adequate

gear, flasks, pots, gems ect

  • To show interest in guild activities outside of raiding, such as farming M+

What can you expect from us:

  • We’re eager to give everyone the chance to maintain a healthy balance between real-life and the game, hence we have set our raid times to be as efficient as possible for players to achieve that balance.

  • You’re to play in a stable and solid guild, led by an experienced raid leader who makes sure every aspect of the guild is well managed.

Raid Days:

Wednesday 8 - 10 ST and Sunday 7 - 10 ST

Recruitment needs:

Mage High Priority
Warrior High Priorty
Unholy DK High Priority
Ele shaman Medium Priority
Windwalker Monk High Priority
Preservation Evoka High priority
Holy Paladin Low Priority

We are currently seeking a DPS with healing OS

Despite our current recruitment needs, we will consider all potential applications from other specializations and classes.

We are also looking to recruit keen mythic plus pushes to bolster our mythic plus roster!

If you’re interested in joining us or if you have an inquiry please do not hesitate to add the following officers, or to apply follow the discord link below.

Jynx Discord


Emmi 2014#2825 Officer // Airiain#4406 (Discord)

LFM raiders (H/A, cross-realm)Jul 31st, 2023 3:51 pm
The Plan 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Nyama
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

<The Plan> is a relaxed cross-realm guild/community :slight_smile: Our main focus is normal & heroic raiding.


  • not actively recruiting at the moment


  • reliability, positive attitude, knowledge of your spec
  • 465+ ilvl

Raid days

  • wednesdays 20:00 - 23:00 server time
  • sundays 20:00 - 23:00 server time

Recruitment contact

  • gow[dot]gg/the-plan
  • discord: romdeau23
Gordian Knot 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jenquai
Server Rank: #122
EU Rank: #1566

Guild name: Gordian Knot
Faction: Horde
Realm: Draenor (EU)
Realm Type: Normal - PVE
Current progress: VotI 6/8M | Aberrus 8/9M | ATDH 6/9M
Raid days - Main runs: Wednesday, Sunday
Raid days - Secondary runs: Thursday
Raid times: 20.00-23.15 CET
(Full application details on website)

:information_source: RECRUITING FOR RAIDING :information_source:

High Demand:

  • Death Knight: Unholy & Frost
  • Evoker: All specs
  • Monk: Windwalker
  • Paladin: Holy
  • Shaman: Enhancement
  • Warrior: Fury & Arms

Medium Demand:

  • Demon Hunter: Havoc

Also, in order to be able to join our main team straight away, you need to meet the requirements for our current progress, which are around 520+ item level equipped.

We are always open to discuss the possibility of a merge and have been able to incorporate successfully in the past smaller teams and guilds to our roster. Most of us are versatile people and would be willing to accommodate for some restructure in the team and specs, provided of course that you work with us in the same spirit of cooperation.

Any social and friendly person who wants to join us for kicks and giggles is welcome. Just poke any of our officers online and you will get an invite for a social spot (no raiding spot).

:information_source: ABOUT US :information_source:

Gordian Knot is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that consists of experienced raiders with some of them having raiding experience as far back as Vanilla.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do and we expect raiders to maintain a 80% attendance per month. Our wish is for this guild to provide a place for our members to call home and enjoy all aspects of this game in a fun and relaxed environment.

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons doing alt-runs, achievement runs etc.
We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get +15 keys done for the weekly chests. We do this in spirit to help everyone in the guild getting their highest possible gear reward from their weekly cache (socials included).

There are a few things we hold in high value but above else we value friendliness and politeness towards guildies and other players and skillfulness when it comes to the more serious parts of the game.

:information_source: CURRENTLY :information_source:

We raid 2 nights a week, Wednesdays and Sundays, from 20:15 till 23:15 server time. Our raid invites always start 15 minutes prior to each raid.
Although we are a 20-man guild, we usually run an extra group in order to get more people to experience the joys of raiding, help new raiders learn the Knot’s way to down bosses and gearing up. Usually, these runs happen on Thursdays, and also we’re on RBGs killing alliance scums every Friday or Saturday or on other in game activities if not on RBGs!

Our current guild progress is VOTI 6/8M | ATSC 8/9M | ATDH 6/9M, and we’re focusing on getting further progress in Dragonflight. Our aim is to always progress as much as possible but also to have a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the same time!

If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

  • Leleko - Leleko#2235
  • Narweena - Sephyra#2517
  • Tia - Tialha#2798

  • Leleko - Leleko
  • Narweena - Narweena
  • Tia - Tia_12

PS. We’re always open to group applications!
We are also open and welcome social applications.

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