Who needs a Soul
Guild Information
Recruiter: Drewbacca
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:fire: Guild Name: Who Needs A Soul
:earth_africa: Server: EU-Doomhammer
:map: Progression: 9/9 HC | Currently setting up for Season 4 & The War Within
:shield: Focus: Social Players, Mythic+, Raiding, and more!

:trophy: About Us
Freshly created guild made of foundering members who have played together for the last decade and have curved every raid. we are currently gearing up for Season 4 & The War Within. This isn’t just about short-term gains; it’s a journey we’re committed to! We’re a close-knit guild on EU-Doomhammer, dedicated to raiding, fostering friendships, and having a good time together.

:scroll: Why join us?
We are made of a group of friend from different countries all brought together over the past 10years in WoW, we are looking to have a semi hardcore group of likeminded M+ and Raid Pushers. and we value new friendships made along the way.

:date: Raiding & Social Events:
We run our main HC Raids weekly with the goal of moving to Mythic in time, whilst other nights are dedicated to M+.

:star2: What We Offer:

  • A mature, inclusive, and respectful community (ages 17 and up)
  • Strong leadership with clear strategies for raiding success
  • Opportunities for personal growth and regular social gatherings, including events such as guild parties and more!
  • A vision for the long-term, supported by committed members
  • An organised and lively Discord server
  • Regular Mythic+ outings to tackle dungeons together and improve our skills

:mag: We’re Looking For:

  • Players who know their spec/class well and aim for Mythic-level performance
  • Team players who value cooperation over individual achievements
  • Individuals who welcome constructive feedback and use it to improve
  • Fluent English speakers who actively engage in discussions
  • Players dedicated to achieving our shared goals
  • Raiders who show up prepared with consumables and knowledge of upcoming encounters
  • Members who have a functioning microphone and aren’t shy about using it

:sparkles: Guild Culture: We maintain a mature atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a balance of serious raiding and a friendly vibe.

:handshake: Join Us!
If Who Needs a Soul resonates with you, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’re thrilled to welcome new members who share our passion and enthusiasm.“Who Needs a Soul”

Disguised Murlocs 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tygree
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Disguised Murlocs recruiting all players! :crossed_swords:
We are a newly formed guild on Silvermoon running HC Raids and Mythic+ Keys of all sorts. Socials are also welcome!

We are a Heroic Raiding Group aiming to progress to mythic once we are ready for it. Long term goal is to be ready and set for the new expansion later this year. We are looking for players that know how to raid or are willing to put in the effort to learn it.

Our discord server is very populated during evenings on weekdays or throughout the day on weekends, where we chat while running M+ Keys, do transmog runs or occasionally level another alt (we’ve all been there :wink:).

All our events will be posted on discord on mondays, so people can sign up for the week ahead.

If you are on another server but still want to take part, thats also possible!


  • core raiding group of ~15 players
  • clearing all Awakened Raids weekly (see logs on warcraftlogs)
  • healthy mixture of experienced and motivated players
  • set raiding schedule, twice/week
  • active Discord & Community (pushing all sorts of keys, lvling professions, farming transmogs …)

raiding schedule:

  • WEDnesday: 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time
  • SUNday: 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time

If we caught your attention or you have questions, please add me on discord izlandazi or Izlandazi#2485.

Hope to hear from you soon! :v:

EU-Argent Dawn
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jwcomp
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:fire:Join the Adventure in Our New World of Warcraft Community - Warcraft Legends!:fire:

Greetings fellow adventurers,

Are you ready to embark on an epic journey through the realms of Azeroth? Look no further, because our brand-new World of Warcraft community is calling out to all heroes, mages, warriors, and rogues alike!

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced recruit, our community offers a vibrant and welcoming space for players of all levels. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources, strategies, and camaraderie to enhance your gaming experience.

What can you expect from joining our ranks?

  1. Tired of braving the dangers of Azeroth alone? Join forces with fellow members for epic quests, dungeon runs, and raids. Together, we’ll conquer the most formidable foes and claim glory for our faction!
  2. Have burning questions about class builds, professions, or lore? Our community is a hub of wisdom where seasoned players share their insights and newcomers can learn the ropes.
  3. Get ready for adrenaline-pumping events and thrilling contests that test your skills and creativity. From PvP tournaments to transmog competitions, there’s always something exciting happening in our community.
  4. Leave the toxicity behind and immerse yourself in a supportive and inclusive environment. We believe in respect, teamwork, and having fun above all else.
  5. Show off your artistic talents, share your epic screenshots, or spin tales of your adventures in our dedicated channels. Let your creativity shine!

So, whether you’re a fierce Horde warrior or a noble Alliance paladin, come join us and become part of something truly special. The world of Azeroth awaits, and the bonds of friendship forged in battle are stronger than any Armor.

Join our World of Warcraft community today, and let’s write our own legends together!

For the Horde! For the Alliance! For Azeroth!

Discord - /haWEfGBV2W

Ministry of Silly Wipes 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Westie
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Who are we?
Ministry of Silly wipes is a Social, Casual guild based on the Bloodscalp/Emeriss/Agamaggan/Twilight’s Hammer group of connected realms!

We’re a group of like minded players, who enjoy a bit of banter amongst ourselves whilst we play. We value building friendships, and a sociable, helpful environment first and foremost!

But whilst we’re social at our core, we aim high! And believe that everyone should be given the chance to raid at a Heroic level, or push higher mythic keys if they wish to give it a go! We try to at least get Ahead of the Curve for each tier, and have members pushing various levels of M+ keys =)

We have our own Discord, which is active throughout the day whilst people are at work, which serves as a gaming community also! For those who want people to play other games with as well; such as FF XIV, D&D, League of Legends, even some Classic WoW as well!

What do we have to offer?

  • A well established, welcoming community of players, who are more than happy to lend a hand!

  • Inclusion, flexibility, and understanding that IRL commitments always come first!

  • A focus on fun! Whilst we would like to raid and push higher content when we can, the most important thing is that we want to enjoy playing the game together as a guild!

  • An active Discord, with members that play various other games together too, and community events set periodically (quizzes, watch parties, charity events).

  • LGBTQ+ and Neurodivergent friendly!

  • Players new or experienced, of all skill levels welcome!

What we are looking for

  • That you are at least 18!

  • Respect and empathy for your fellow guildmates! We have members from all walks of life, and whilst banter is encouraged, be mindful that there is a person on the other side of the screen!

  • Although we have members from all over Europe, we ask that you have at least a good understanding of English.

  • Communication! If you’re struggling with something, or have issues in-game, we can only help you if you come to us and ask. I’m afraid we aren’t psychic =)

  • If you sign up for an event, please make sure you attend; and if you cannot, then all we ask is that you let us know beforehand.

  • Understanding that as a Casual guild, we may not always get to our goals quickly, but we pride ourselves in improving and achieveing them together, most of all! We will Silly Wipe our way to victory! :laughing:

  • Willingness to help your fellow guildmates!

  • Positive attitude! And a willingness to learn and accept help if needed! (Heroic Raiding specificially will need you to take some initiative to want to make improvements if you’re struggling. We’re happy to help if you ask us =) )

  • Play what you enjoy; not what you think we “need!”

  • Toxic, elitist players need not apply; If you join us, you’re doing so on the understanding that we ARE casual leaning, and not willing to bend our inclusive, and helpful environment to cater to more hardcore players who can’t accept this fact.

  • We will be asking new recruits going forward to allow for a 1 month trial period.
    This is, more than anything, to ensure you gel well with the guild, as we seem to repeatedly get players who at first say they want casual, but then take issue with that side of us and turn nasty.

Raid days are;

  • Saturdays 20:00 - 22:00 ST
  • Sundays 20:00 - 22:00

>> Currently, our raid team is full for TWW, but we will add people to the bench and cycle them in as people drop out (as sometimes life requires they do) <<

Contact info
If you have any questions, or are interested in joining us, please feel free to add me!
bnet: Westie#2496
Discord: xWestie

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