Shield 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Renrage
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:sparkles: Shield is Recruiting for Season 4 AOTC+ and M+! :sparkles:

Hi All, we are now recruiting for Season 4 and for enthusiastic M+ enjoyers as we have several players pushing keys and doing a lot of weekly 20s across many characters.
We also are looking into the newly announced Mists of Pandaria Remixed as a guild.
We always welcome members to our active community for M+ and more!

We are now going into our 3rd season as a guild and community and many friendships have been made and games have been played inside and outside of WoW.
Shield’s mission statement is to be a home for players who like to have fun and be known as one if the most upstanding, respected guilds on Silvermoon.

Recruitment Status:

We are always taking M+ Enjoyers and Social members and have an active community!

:shield: Tanks :Low (M+ Enjoyers Always Welcome)
:hospital: Healers :Low (M+ Enjoyers Always Welcome)
:dart: Ranged DPS :High (Warlock especially!)
:crossed_swords: Melee DPS :High (Rogue, DK, Enhance Shaman)

We’d like our members to be 18+ as we are looking to foster a mature stress-free environment with likeminded people who understand work/family always comes 1st.

Raid times are Wednesday/Sunday 8-11pm server time.
Invites go out 15 mins in advance and halfway we have a 10 minute break.

So if you wish to chat about our guild or would like some more information, please speak to one of our officers.

Renrage (Bnet: Ren#1612 / Discord: Ren#2257)
Icovellauna (Bnet: Ico#21965 / Discord: Ico#4904)

For more information, please visit our Guild Discord:

Quie Inc 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Leialina
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Quie Inc - Established in 2006 on Silvermoon, one of oldest guilds on the server.

In this guild We like to do things our own way so You will not find us racing to the highest level or eating through new content in a week or two. Instead we enjoy, explore and evolve at our own pace. We strive to be a chill and easy going bunch and we even encourage our members to have a real life.
Here players talk (a lot about RL food!!!) :pancakes: we like to level alts, run dungeons, hunt mounts, pets, toys, achievements & transmogs, talk about hidden secrets and spots. We even do the occasional PVP.
Collectors galore welcome :slight_smile:

We do not have raid schedules, DKPs, attendances, class leaders or hardcore/elitist members.
The Guild events are always player-driven. That means that members don’t look to the leaders or officers to organize anything, We are all adults and we are fine with being responsible for our own gaming experience and fun, so feel free to create any event of your liking - The power is yours!

So are you 18+ years old and want to feel at home with no obligations, talking and playing with people with real lives, jobs & family.
Leave us a message here or find us in game in the Guild finder.

See you all in game and remember - Keep calm! And Blame it on the lag :wink:

Chaos Crew 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Zathiel
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:boom: Hello, greetings and welcome! :boom:

< Chaos Crew > is looking for new members for raiding, M+, hanging out and having fun!
Our motto: No flaming, no blaming, just chilling and gaming! :partying_face:
We’re looking to revive the guild and get back into raiding and doing mythic+ runs, so if you’re looking for a chill and laid back community, where progression should be fun, hit us up!
We also have members interested in PvP if that is your jam, and if you just want to come be part of a social group, you’re welcome as well.

So far we have no raiding days :x: because as I’ve mentioned before, we’re reviving the guild. This also means you get every opportunity to help shape it and have the role you wish to have.

  • We plan to raid 2 - 3 times a week. (Like we used to do)

We need Tanks, DPS, Healers and Officers! So if you want to join a guild that you can help shape to your liking:
Hit me up: :speech_balloon:
Ingame: Zathiel-Darksorrow
Bnet: Vryxell#2693
Discord: Vryxell

Discord is a must if you wish to join the guild, as we prefer to make friends and not just be strangers on the internet. Come have fun with us and bring your friends along

Darksorrow is part of the cluster: Bladefist, Frostwhisper, Zenedar, Darksorrow, Genjuros, Neptulon (Though this is soon irrelevant)

Q & A

Q. What is the amount of players for the guild overall and for the raid team are you aiming to have max?
A. We need a full raid team as minimum, but we also don’t want to get too big, so a maximum of 100 individual active players (not counting alt characters).

Q. How do you plan on handling loot in regards to a current season and when a new tier is released?
A. We usually went with if the one who gets it can use it, they keep it, otherwise we roll for it, and winner decides if they wanna keep it or give it to someone else.

Q. Out of the people you have atm what classes/specs do you have?
A. Nothing worth noting, honestly. We do have a DH who can either tank or dps. We also have two hunters, where one of them also has a rogue, and we have a monk/DK.

Q. Is the plan for the guild to be AOTC or CE focused with regards to raids?
A. If possible we’d like to be AOTC, but the main goal will always be to have fun. Progression is important, and should be a priority, but it should never be more important than having fun. It’s a game.

Q. For mythic+ is there interest/plans on pushing/ improving in that?
A. Pushing keys is always fun and something we enjoy. Would be awesome to set up some M+ teams. So yes, the goal is to push keys!

Q. What system do you have for people who end up being jerks/toxic/drama focused?
A. A maximum of 3 warnings are given, depending on severity of whatever happened. I already have 2 kids and a fulltime job, I don’t wanna deal with BS drama in my guild.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask either here or contact me directly! I can’t wait to hear from you!

New Paradigm 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tinyredbull
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hey All!

:boom: New Paradigm is looking for more raiders and M+ runners for Season 4 and beyond! :boom:

As we’re a social guild first, everyone is welcome regardless of skill level or commitment to play time - we have a structure in place that has something for everybody and very much consider this game for what it is - a hobby. Family, work and other things will always take priority!

Created in late-Battle for Azeroth, we’re going into our 5th year as a Guild now with this successful formula of letting people play when they want to play, without stress and fear of “having to show up”. There’s a distinction between Raiders and Socials in NP - folks who are willing to and able to commit a bit more and folks who’re very much playing on their own time. Alongside our scheduled Raid content, we’re also hosting various Social events on Sundays ranging from alt and achievement raids to scavenger hunts among other things.

We’re currently looking to expand and make the community bigger so that we’re able to run larger events in the near and distant future as well as provide a learning environment for newer folks as we feel that there’s a need for such a space!

Below is an updated priority list for recruitment.

:star2: We are currently recruiting all roles so please reach out, even if your role is listed as low! :star2:

:shield: Tanks: Low

:pill: Healers: Very High!

:crossed_swords: Melee DPS: Low

:dart: Ranged DPS: Medium

Ultimately everyone is welcome and the role status is mainly to secure a few core positions in the raid team. If you’re interested or want more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or one of our officers in-game!

Tinyredbull (BNet: FredMere#2156 / Discord: tinyfred)
Cubixhunt (BNet: XCubiX#21652 / Discord: pinar_r)

:arrow_forward: Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday @8PM-11PM Server Time/CET! :arrow_backward:

Sunday Socials usually start at the same time slot on Sunday!

For more information, check out our website.
There is a seamless application process there, but not necessary!

Enjoy your time in WoW and I hope to be able to welcome you to New Paradigm soon!

Speak Soon,


Who needs a Soul
Guild Information
Recruiter: Drewbacca
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:fire: Guild Name: Who Needs A Soul
:earth_africa: Server: EU-Doomhammer
:map: Progression: 9/9 HC | Currently setting up for Season 4 & The War Within
:shield: Focus: Social Players, Mythic+, Raiding, and more!

:trophy: About Us
Freshly created guild made of foundering members who have played together for the last decade and have curved every raid. we are currently gearing up for Season 4 & The War Within. This isn’t just about short-term gains; it’s a journey we’re committed to! We’re a close-knit guild on EU-Doomhammer, dedicated to raiding, fostering friendships, and having a good time together.

:scroll: Why join us?
We are made of a group of friend from different countries all brought together over the past 10years in WoW, we are looking to have a semi hardcore group of likeminded M+ and Raid Pushers. and we value new friendships made along the way.

:date: Raiding & Social Events:
We run our main HC Raids weekly with the goal of moving to Mythic in time, whilst other nights are dedicated to M+.

:star2: What We Offer:

  • A mature, inclusive, and respectful community (ages 17 and up)
  • Strong leadership with clear strategies for raiding success
  • Opportunities for personal growth and regular social gatherings, including events such as guild parties and more!
  • A vision for the long-term, supported by committed members
  • An organised and lively Discord server
  • Regular Mythic+ outings to tackle dungeons together and improve our skills

:mag: We’re Looking For:

  • Players who know their spec/class well and aim for Mythic-level performance
  • Team players who value cooperation over individual achievements
  • Individuals who welcome constructive feedback and use it to improve
  • Fluent English speakers who actively engage in discussions
  • Players dedicated to achieving our shared goals
  • Raiders who show up prepared with consumables and knowledge of upcoming encounters
  • Members who have a functioning microphone and aren’t shy about using it

:sparkles: Guild Culture: We maintain a mature atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a balance of serious raiding and a friendly vibe.

:handshake: Join Us!
If Who Needs a Soul resonates with you, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’re thrilled to welcome new members who share our passion and enthusiasm.“Who Needs a Soul”

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