Yoggdrasil 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Winglessfly
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

[A/H] Frostmoure - Recruiting for TWW Raid Team!

Are you a chill player looking for a welcoming guild to conquer TWW content with? Look no further! Yoggdrasil, an AOTC-focused guild on Frostmourne, is bolstering our ranks for upcoming raids and Myth+ adventures.

About Us: We are a group of veteran players, pride ourselves on a relaxed yet determined approach to raiding. We aim for Ahead of the Curve with a “getting it done” attitude, while keeping the atmosphere fun and pressure-free. Our Myth+ focus is on enjoyment and progression rather than pushing the highest keys. Additionally, we enjoy hosting social events and engaging in some lighthearted shenanigans to keep the guild lively and entertaining.

Although most of our raiders are not active atm due to taking a break, at launch we are all in and hoping to have you there!

Raid Schedule:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays at 9pm ST

We tend to keep it smaller with 12-14 raiders in our team, we like the closeness :smiley:

What We’re Looking For: We seek players who are passionate about progression and enjoy playing the game and their chosen classes. Current openings include:

  • Off Tank
  • Healer
  • DPS (various)

Contact Information:

  • Wingless#11877
  • Discord: wingless_fly

Join us and be part of a community that values both achievement and camaraderie.

Depletion Tower 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Bearrax
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: Depletion Tower
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Illidan

:calendar: Schedule:
Push Nights and Raid will be determined by the groups themselves!

:crossed_swords: Progression Type:
AoTC w/ Focus on Pushing Mythic+

:warning: Depletion Tower is a stem off of Scarlet Frenzy!:warning:

:warning: Scarlet Frenzy is a Raiding Focused guild with the following accolades! :warning:
S1 - 3/9 M
S2 - 5/9 M
S3 - 7/9 M
S4 We are taking a relaxed approach but still are raiding Mythic when the people are available! We will be pushing Mythic for The War Within, if that is something that interests you, feel free to ask about it!

Feeling annoyed or frustrated that your friends left you Mid-Season for that new game or update? Again? Depletion Tower is the start of a community centered around Mythic+ and looking for more players like you! We stem off of a Mythic Raiding guild with some solid Accolades and amazing players! The goal of this is to achieve a self-sufficient community that loves to play Mythic+ anytime the game is up and available. Of course we want players but we also want to build a positive environment with people who just love the game and want to see it succeed for the Expansions to come!

All we ask is that you are open-minded and nice to the other players!

:warning: Even if you are not wanting to join the guild, you can message me if you want join the discord, the bigger the community the better! :warning:

:gem: We are recruiting every skill level and wanting to make a community of Mythic Plus players! :gem:

If you have any questions feel free to message me on Battlenet or Discord!

Discord: bearax
Battlenet: iBear#11900

US-Borean Tundra
Fates Call 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Marathal
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Are you looking for a new guild? Let me amend that, are you looking for a new home?

Maybe you’ve always wondered what being a part of one would be like, perhaps you have joined ones in the past and felt like you didn’t belong. Or worse, belonged to one, and you feel like an outcast because you can’t play at the level expected of you to be included.

Maybe you have come back from a break and discovered yourself guildless or in a guild you no longer recognize? Are you looking for a new challenge, wanting to try group content but never quite got up the nerve? Or worse, you tried group content with random people and it didn’t live up to expectations?

Maybe you just want someone to talk with, or are fairly new to the game and are having trouble figuring out a quest. We have members that have played from the beginning, some that have a great deal of knowledge in all the classes and specs, some like myself that focus on playing one class as best as we can. We are not here to judge you. We are here to offer you a home. A chance to make some new friends, to have people laugh because your old like me, as long as I can tell you to get off my lawn.

Well then, the Fates may be Calling out to you today.

Fates Call is a guild with a long history, established in 2009 and still going strong. We were founded with a principal that real life should always come first, and that playing World of Warcraft should be for fun, for a challenge, for community, but never as a job. We have had members as young as 13, and people in their 70’s. Those of us that are old timers have been around since the beginnings of video games. I’m sure we can tell stories of the old days of dial up connections and trying to run through Dalaran at 2 frames a second.

Certainly over the years we’ve struggled through losses and mass changes, yet we stand firm against the flow of time and are rebuilding once again to discover new content together.

We can provide a home for those simply looking for company on their journey, but we can also provide opportunities for those who may wish to take on a more proactive role.

We are open for cross server and cross faction recruitment, and have a cross faction community channel set up so we can get you in. Hopefully The War Within doesn’t break anything. :scream:

We do have our haters out there, any guild that has been around as long as we have will have those that feel like the way we do things isn’t right, and that we should change what we have always been to something else. Absolutely we wish them well for the upcoming expansion. And for the most part we are always open to any that may have left to pursue other things to challenge themselves, and found it to not be what made the game fun.

We have always tried to be a little bit of everything, we’ve had in the past those that have organized PvP, for a long period of time we were a very successful raiding guild routinely clearing Heroic AoTC, even times in the past where we have done organized achievement runs for those odd ones that seem to stump people. We organized level 1 races for any on the server(s) interested, even a yearly Christmas card open to all to participate in. It’s always been about community

Come and see what all the fuss is about! You can find us in the in game guild recruitment. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

As for raiding in case you look up our WoW Progress or Raider IO information, we presently do not have a raid team, but would love for anyone interested to join and help build one where everyone has a chance, is willing to laugh when someone on auto run pulls the boss, and knows that some times people have an off night. We do not encourage the team to bench someone just because it’s taking some time to down a boss. We’ve all been there, everyone learns differently. And I would certainly rather play with a bunch of people that can laugh when it’s funny, but also take it seriously when we need to.

HardcoreCasuals 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Arthedain
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #


HardcoreCasuals is an AoTC/Early Mythic-focused guild and looking to add more to our team! We play at a 2.5 – 3.0K .io level and are transitioning into casual Mythic. We maintain a high level of play while honoring our real-life commitments. M+ and raids are our focus, but if you are interested in simply being a part of an active, fun, chill community, hit us up! HC was formed in Season 3 of Shadowlands, and we have a core raiding group of 16 - 18 players and are looking for 3 - 4 members for the new Xpac!


We raid Tuesday/Wednesday at 8:00-11:00 PM EST. Invites at 7:50 SHARP!

Our recruitment needs are below. While servers are not as important as they once were, if you are looking to transfer and need assistance, we can help!

TANKS: Closed


MELEE DPS: Open - monk and DH needed FYI, but other applicants welcome

ANY are welcome to apply! Although… kind of full on hunters … :slight_smile:


  • We have fun! We like to joke around and poke fun at one another, but when it comes down to it, it’s crunch time.
  • We help out! We offer in-depth analysis of parses to improve your game. We assist with consumables, enchants, walkthroughs.
  • We Raid! Our aim is to establish a team to achieve AoTC, and progress early Mythic. Feasts and phials will be provided by the guild.
  • We key! Whether you’re someone with 2.5k+ .io or someone with little experience when it comes to keys, we’re always looking for people keen to run keys and hit KSM with.


  • People who want to be part of a community that knows how to joke around but take the boss pulls seriously.
  • Raid and M+ interest.
  • Be part of a team and improve on their performance.

If you are interested, hit us up here, in game, or Discord (preferred):

Bnet: Arthedain#1846, Discord: Arth0814

SEAcret Society 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Sheerlock
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Bal’a dash, malanore.

Are you tired of wandering Azeroth alone, looking for a guild that feels more like a cozy tavern hangout and less like naga-infested waters? Well, grab your hearthstone and teleport right over to SEAcret Society in Barthilas!

who we are

:man_mage: We’re a band of Horde / Alliance heroes hailing from the Asia Pacific, bound together by our love for WoW, our mutual passion for gaming, and a shared desire to have a blast in-game while we pursue legendary loot and good fun. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a rookie just finding your feet in Azeroth, there’s a spot for you in our guild.

:crossed_swords: We’re the kind of guild that loves to conquer mythic+ dungeons, do achievement runs, relive legacy raids, and maybe share a few embarrassing moments along the way. We enjoy teasing each other, laughing at each other’s “face palm” moments in game.

:unicorn: Now, we may be working adults, but that doesn’t mean we’ve lost our sense of fun! From exploring new content to chasing after rare mounts and transmogs, there’s always something exciting happening in our guild.

:japanese_ogre: Raid nights are our chance to shine, with Wednesday and Friday evenings reserved for taking down the toughest foes Azeroth has to offer. And when it comes to raiding, we’re serious about slaying bosses — but we’ll never sacrifice good vibes for progress.

:pizza: Our legendary powers are being empathetic and respectful of our guildies’ time and need to have their real lives outside of the game. So if you need to AFK for a minute to feed your Murloc pet, or attend a real-life raid of your own, we’ve got your back!

our raid times

• Wednesday 8:45pm – 12:00am GMT+8
• Friday 8:45pm – 12:00am GMT+8

We do have minimum expectations and standards for our raiders - and we ask that you keep yourself up to date on the raid mechanics so that we can be respectful of everyone’s time. We are more than happy to help out whenever we can to provide the support, advice and guidance you need in terms of your character or gameplay.

recruiting new heroes now

Join us on Discord and our guild WhatsApp group, where we chat about everything from WoW strategies to the latest binge-worthy shows. We’re a diverse bunch with interests as varied as our character classes, so don’t be surprised if the conversation takes unexpected turns!

If you’re tired of guild drama and toxic attitudes, come hang out with us instead. We’re all about creating a supportive, laid-back and inclusive environment where everyone can feel welcome and valued.

Because we truly believe there are enough enemies for us to overcome in Azeroth, there isn’t a need to start The War Within. :slight_smile:

Ready to join the fun? Hit us up on Battlenet:

:video_game: @Sheerlock#1155
:video_game: @madcat#6347
:video_game: @Synergy#6921
:video_game: @Akacorax#1135
:video_game: HalcyonSeven#1832

See you in-game! :video_game:

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