Peons 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Floweret
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

About Peons:
Established since the days of Molten Core, Peons boasts a seasoned core of raiders dedicated to achieving Ahead of the Curve (AotC) and the meta achievements for each raid. We are commitmented to ensuring that each new expansion or season sees us swiftly clearing normal raids before diving into heroic content. Additionally, we prioritize dedicating 1-2 weeks to securing the meta achievement after AotC, fostering a positive and social raiding experience for all members.

At Peons, we hold our raiders to a high standard of class and spec proficiency. We expect members to arrive prepared with enchants, gems, potions, and other essentials, although raid food/flasks are typically provided. While familiarity with boss mechanics is recommended, it’s essential to us that you approach each fight with readiness and a willingness to learn. Furthermore, we encourage our raiders to actively engage in Mythic+ dungeons for enhanced rewards and contribute to our raiding progression.

Raid Times:
Our raids are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-10pm CST. Additionally, our Peons fosters regular Mythic+ groups throughout the week.

Recruitment Needs:
Currently, we are seeking talented individuals to bolster our ranks:

Shadow Priest
Windwalker Monk
DPS Warrior
Retribution Paladin
Aug Evoker
Interested? Reach out to us:

Discord: Flower5955 Taedas#1174

Join Peons today! We appreciate your interest!

Weekenders 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Cheheals
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

The War Within is almost here! Join us for more fun and new adventures! We are a mixture of players, old and new, horde and alliance. Many of us are Day One players and are older than the average WoW player. We enjoy all aspects of the game: Mythic+ (0-2 Keys and Higher Keys for KSMs)? AoTC Raiding? Pets? PVP/Warmode? Achievements? Mounts? Reps? We do that.

We do not “police” or “manage” adults. We ask that you be 25yo+ and be focused on the game: We are playing the game to have fun, enjoy each other’s company, and win! Please avoid discussion of politics/religion/controversy and keep it positive by avoiding excessive profanity.
It goes without saying but I have found it is necessary to mention that we expect you to abide by the Social Contract in game/in Discord as well. And of course, this Community prohibits recruitment activities and LFM raid activities that conflict/compete/are not organized by Weekenders Leaders.

ACTIVITIES/RAID TIMES: Mythic+ Community activities are 2 hours, Weekend raids are 2.5 hours


Mythic+ Activities Saturdays 9a and 530p EST

Friday 8p: Friday Fun Raid! Fresh, Normal Raid! Alt night and Raider Tryouts!

Saturday/Sunday 130-4p Progression raid:
Current Progress: We’re on RaiderIO-Weekenders Gilneas
Saturday/Sunday group is open to all members who are open to suggestions for improvement and meet minimum item level requirements and have: BigWigs/DBM/Discord working, and the willingness to work as a team throughout progression. There’s no yelling, no arguing, and we simply ask that you follow/listen to directions, as well as 1:1 feedback. We WILL focus on AotC.

Current Needs: Community members willing to organize and attend PVP (rated and non-rated) activities, including Warmode activities! We can always use more Community members to participate in all our well attended Mythic+ activities!

Contact: Chelives#1291, Cheheals, Chelives, Chelito…all the Che’s on Gilneas server!

Civitas 8/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Elvwyr
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Join our Cross-faction family sanctuary. We seek guildies first, raiders second. Led by a married couple (40-50 years): one ADD & one Autistic. We provide an inclusive safe space based on civility, kindness, mutual support, fun and friendship. Also LGBTQIA+ friendly :slight_smile: We consist of 107 unique players. Many of our members struggle with various issues of their own, so compassion and forgiveness if and when people are unable to handle things goes a long way and is extended to us all. Casual swearing can also be a trigger for many members of our guild family, so we ask all who are interested in us to keep to PG-13 language level in our written and discord communications. For those rough days/nights, we have an “After dark” voice channel in our discord.

Looking forward to War Within, TANKS we seek you first. Secondarily healers and melee DPS. We also welcome any class and spec and encourage us all to play what we love. Elitist mindsets do not gel with us. Only join us if you want to be a Guildie first, Raider second.

We also are part of Civility community currently with 710 toons. I’m proud that we have grown organically and through the popularity of our events so recruitment is the sole responsibility of our GLs. Expect an interview process because we take safeguarding our little haven very seriously!

Update: 8/8 H. VoI (Awakened). 8/9 H Amirdrassil (Awake), 8/9 H Aberssus (Awake). This is with very lenient item level benchmarks. M+ KSM push for anyone who wants to try and learn through non-toxic camaraderie fueled runs.

Recruitment: Tanks and Heals for Raid and Mythics+ but all welcome to apply. Recruiting for raiding to form a more regular roster

We are an end-game social casual Raid and Mythic dungeon guild that enjoys group content immensely, formed out of returning players. Still young, since we were created on June 14, 2021. We started raiding as a guild in April 2022. So we are now 2+ years old :smiley:

Our strong team of supportive officers who we are blessed with range in ages 30s to 60s. We are happy to teach us all to Fish rather than just provide the Fish- We aim to help those who want to improve play and have led many to achieve KSM and raid for the first time. Every wipe, we learn and improve.

If you are an entitled player who expect us to carry you though, you will not fit in. Our main rule is: Don’t be toxic because we will not tolerate you! We also aim to keep all chats PG 13 to not trigger our guildies and look out for the younger family of our members: we dislike the insults/swears seen in BGs.

We are the guild where real life comes first when it comes to everything Life can throw at us with kids, work, family and so on. If you are not empathetic to this, you will find it hard to fit in with us.

Many of us love legacy raids and achievements for old mounts, hunting toys, pets and everything in between including Island expeditions.

We also run Mythics + constantly and always happy to give all a chance to learn and group together.

Our weekly events (Mountain Standard Time US)

  • Fridays (7:00 - 10:00 pm MST) Raid Night

  • Mythic Dungeons, Remix group play, Timewalking- Impromptu sessions

  • Also very early morning MDT insomniac activities

Events often can go on for 3-4 hours and all events are drop in and out. :smiley:

If this sounds like a fit for you, please apply in game. :star_struck: We look forward to having you join our thriving family. :slight_smile: We are a US Nordrassil cross-faction guild and the allied realms of Khaz Modan, Azjol-nerub, Blackrock and Muradin. We also consist of a cross-realm community.

How to Apply:
To join us, apply in game (Tell us about you), friend Elvwyr (GM & Recruiting Officer), send an in game message or drop me a message here and I will get in touch. Include you Discord tag please.

Search for Civitas Nordrassil and we are with the WoWalliances websites to explore our site.

To try and find the best fit, I normally conduct an interview and arrange to run with our applicant. If interested but on other realm, feel free to request to join our community.

Come check us out:

Elvwyr (GM and recruiting officer) Elvwyr-Nordrassil (Discord and Main Toon).


Wycked 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kaishi
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

❮Wycked❯ Tichondrius is now recruiting new members for raiding.

TLDR: Come join us for some fun raiding and M+. Who to add at the bottom, don’t be a potato please :wink:

About us:
We are a casual social guild founded in 2023 that is expanding into the raiding space. Over the last few months we have been working on our core team of raiders and are now looking for new faces to fill out the roster.

Currently we are small group that is part of a larger guild. 5-6 core players who spend most nights on discord chatting and running M+.

Amongst our ranks are a former CE Guild/Raid lead, former mythic and current AOTC raiders.

We are adults with jobs and responsibilities, we are not slackers our guild is casual but the raid team will be focused on progression.

Too often adult with responsibilities guilds are casuals who want to be carried that is not us. Our focus will be AOTC in a relaxed environment.

While we don’t expect you to be 100% parsers we expect you to learn from your mistakes play to the best of your ability and most importantly have fun.

Raid Details:
Raid times will likely be Mon/Wed from 7:30 Et to 10 Et

We are in need of all roles and specs, our current core is small but experienced.

If you are looking for a change of pace or trying to branch out of the LFR/Normal pugs we might be the right fit for you.

New to raiding? No problem, anyone who wants to learn can be taught. First and foremost push buttons, then learn what order to push them in ;).

We will start with some Awakened raids in preparation for TWW where each tier we will start with Normal and move to Heroic when we are ready.

New, returning or experienced players are all welcome, you will however be expected to learn and get better.

Cross realm guilds are coming in TWW if you don’t want to xfer you will not be required too.

For more info please add CoCo (Bnet:Roxs#1141)

We have a community now, please reach out if you would like to join.

Fear No Evil 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Fuzzycheese
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Fear No Evil is a midcore guild of friends who have been playing the game together to accomplish the same goals, with varying levels of pve/pvp experience. While some of us have been around since Vanilla, raiding MC and BWL, some are fresh faces with Dragonflight.

We are looking for more exceptional members to join as we are building a strong raid team for TWW with goals to clear Mythic.

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 - 9:30pm CST (Server time)

  • (KeyFest): Wednesday 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM CST (Server Time)

What classes are we looking for?

Healers Need: Low
We currently have the healer slots full, but an active DPS with a healing offspec would be nice.

Ranged DPS Need: Medium
No need for Mages and Hunters unfortunately

Melee DPS: Need: Medium
We are in need of most melee classes with the exception of DKs and Paladins.

Tanks Need: Medium
A Tank that is proficient in more than 1 spec

What we offer:

  • Devoted M+ groups that guarantee everyone gets their Mythic+ vault filled each week;
  • Raiders are supplied with feasts, flasks, runes, and guild repairs;
  • Respectful and active members and officers always willing to help;
  • Sociable and fun environment via discord on a daily basis for all types of players.

What we value:
Competence: Knowledge of fights and mechanics, understanding of your class and role. Everyone learns at their own pace but research is the best way to start being ready to contribute.

Willingness to Learn/Improve: Everyone makes mistakes, but repetitive mistakes stop progression. Officers are available and will actively go through areas where people fall short to help push progression provided they are willing.

Guild Commitment: We require raiders to complete a minimum of 4 keys per week. We are all adults and understand people have real-life obligations but we offer the facilities to get these requirements done in a fun and quick manner to achieve the guild’s goals.

Reach out to us via discord for any further information.

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