Prism Sentence 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Scarborough
Server Rank: #40
US Rank: #904

NOTE: We are scaling back our raiding activities to be more casual during Fated S4. We will return to Mythic raiding in TWW.

Are you stuck in raider jail?

Are you in search for a new home?

Do you love terrible puns?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then transfer to our guild to serve out your PRISM SENTENCE!


Raid Days/Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00-12:00 PM EST

Amirdrassil Progression: 7/9M, 9/9H, 9/9N

Recruitment Needs: DPS (Ranged DPS a plus!)

Contact Information: Scarborough-Thrall (Discord: scarborough)


Prism Sentence is a newly-renamed casual Mythic guild on Thrall. We are a group of friends, some of whom have been raiding together for over a decade. We aim to push as far into Mythic as possible every tier while maintaining a more laid-back, fun atmosphere. We often have M+ groups going on off-nights (along with a few obstinate guildies who insist on living the pug life - don’t ask for an explanation, I’m as much as loss as you are). We even have a few mount collectors. They are insane. I mean, who even levels 5 Mages to farm the M N’zoth mount? Send help.

Sense of humor is a must. You might or might not be subjected to snark. You will DEFINITELY be subjected to puns. Please be at least 18 years of age.


We stick to a casual raid schedule of two raid nights a week. We occasionally add an extra night at the start of the tier, but that is strictly voluntary.

We raid from 9:00 to 12:00 PM EST. Since many of our raiders are old and grumpy and might spontaneously turn into pumpkins, we hardly ever raid past midnight.

We understand that REAL LIFE comes first, so if you miss a night here and there, we won’t hold it against you. Please don’t let this be a thing though.

Be respectful of your fellow raiders’ time. Be on time. Be prepared.

Please help us create the raid atmosphere that you would enjoy raiding in. Be patient. Be kind. Or else.

Commit Alpha 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Meyliene
Server Rank: #56
US Rank: #944

Commit Alpha is a multi-team guild with a focus on Raiding, Mythic Plus, as well as occasional backdrop events and guild activities. This can range from doing in guild challenges for survival in Classic and WoW events like Plunderstorm and Remix, and of course gearing up for the upcoming War Within expansion. Several of us enjoy other games on occasion as well, but we are all getting excited for that new expac! :lollipop:

:sandwich:We have three raid teams in guild with different overall goals but the same relaxed environment. :sandwich:

:wine_glass:We are currently opening recruitment for our RED TEAM -CE FOCUSED team.:wine_glass:

:popcorn:Immediate openings listed in Team Details below-Updated as of 6/23/2024:popcorn:

:wine_glass:Red Team -CE Focused. Aim to Cutting Edge in tier.
Previous Raid Team History:
6/9M ATDH, 8/9 M Aberrus, 6/8 M Vault
Raid Times: Tuesday 8pm -10pm EST, Wednesday andThursday 8pm -1130pm EST.
Tuesdays are - “Farm Only -No Prog -2 Hours Max”
Recruitment: LF Holy Paladin and DPS
Healer Holy Paladin-High Need
Looking for strong DPS applicants.
Accepting Exceptional Applicants. Logs and Mythic Raid History preferred.

:tea:Green Team - Mythic. Aiming for as many bosses, a mix of hardcore and casual.
Previous Raid History:
6/9 M ATDH, 5/9M Aberrus, 4/8M Vaults
Raid Times: Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:30 -11:30pm. EST
Recruitment : Recruitment opening in July.
Mythic Raid history is not limited to applying, however, experience is preferred. AOTC previous history is also an added bonus. Logs are still reviewed and considered for applicants.

:cup_with_straw:Blue Team -AOTC Focused. Chill heroic aotc and fun.
Previous Raid History:
9/9H ATDH, 9/9 ATDH, 9/9 H Aberrus
Raid Times: Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 -11pm.EST
Recruiting for raiders who enjoy the chill Heroic atmosphere.
AOTC history is not required and logs are not required though they are reviewed for player improvement purposes.

:cake:–Those interested in joining you can reach out to Saylen11, LronChris, and Nocthios via discord. Or feel free to leave a message below and we will reach out to you.-- :cake:

US-Area 52
The Rhombus Knights 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brewtaliity
Server Rank: #193
US Rank: #1243

Current Progression AATDH 3/9M | AATDH 4/9M | AVOTI 3/9M

Rhombus Knights is looking to recruit DPS for the remainder of Season 4 Mythic progression and into TWW. We are looking for 2 additional DPS to bring in to our team to complete the consistent group. Special attention will be to any Warlock(s) as we are needing one.

We have built out Discord for signup weekly and for overall management. We are not some crazy “parse guild” and are looking for completion of the raids while having a great time. We work on becoming masters of our classes and strategies and are honest with our feedback and raid leading. We approach each raid in a positive way with transparency and open communication. “new pull New You” is our mantra as our goal is to get better with each pull and missed 1 shot mechanic :blush:

We have started to implement just standards/expectations going into TWW from a gearing standpoint and just overall numbers. At the end of the day we care about getting the bosses down and having fun doing them. Numbers only come into play if that is the only issue. I am a transparent and open guild/raid leader who will always provide context to issues or ideas etc.

Application : : Please contact Kamakasii#3987 (Discord) or B-NET (Viro13lade#1397)

Inverse Logic 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Barvil
Server Rank: #60
US Rank: #1265

[Inverse Logic] 9/9H 6/9M (3/9M 9/9H Aberrus, 8/8H 3/8M VotI) is a tight-knit, semi-hardcore mythic raid guild that focuses on finding a balance between good progression and flexible adult schedules. Our core has been together since Nyalotha, and we are looking to add to that core moving forward. We would love to find people that want to help build a community and keep pushing mythic further and further.

We are currently doing heroic clears on tuesday
We are raiding cata classic (whitemane - Horde) and mop remix

We currently do not have spots for raid tanks
Recruiting for War Within

  • Healers (shaman/priest/evoker)
  • Mage/Rogue/Enhance - High Prio
  • Any strong dps players feel free to reach out

We offer a fun and unique environment with an active Discord, a community that plays other games together, and run mythic plus all week long. We are committed to maintaining an equally laid back and competitive atmosphere, where you can enjoy an after-work beer with friends and still clear some content! We are semi-hardcore, meaning we will expect you to play to the best of your ability and be continually working to master your class. We also understand that real life comes first. We are a team of parents, working professionals, and students who understand that sometimes you’re just going to miss the raid. We will work with you if something comes up or your schedule changes–as long as you communicate!

At this time, our goal is to achieve AOTC and push mythic as far as we can

Raid times are Tues & Thurs 8p - 11p Eastern.

Social applicants do not need to be any specific class or spec! If you appreciate the environment we’ve established and think you would enjoy your time in our guild, you’re more than welcome to get in touch.

What we offer:

Flasks, food, and repairs for raid night.
Constructive feedback inside and outside of raid.
Laid back, adult environment.
An active Discord community.
A family of players who love playing with each other!

Btag - Doctersauce#1397
Discord - doctersauce

Senile 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Redonkulus
Server Rank: #171
US Rank: #1301

Senile formed at the start of the Awakened Season of Dragonflight bringing along with it an established core of raiders to build into a competitive CE team for The War Within and beyond.

About the Guild

Our goal as a guild is to obtain Cutting Edge every tier and finish within the top 250 US guilds on a two night schedule. To do this, everyone on the roster must be committed to the same goal. The roster will be strictly performance based with like-minded individuals coming together to create a CE ready team.

Raid Times:

Wednesday & Thursday (Only Wednesday during Season 4) 9:30pm-12:30am EST (8:30-11:30 CST / 6:30-9:30 PST)

Guild Planning and Structure

Season 4 ‘Awakened’

  • 1 night a week doing mythic for vault slots and trial eval - not pushing mythic ‘prog’ during S4
  • Build to a roster of 25 by TWW release
  • Preference for recruiting raiders with prior experience with recent deep mythic or CE experience
  • Low friction in season 4 is the goal while making sure we are building the roster catered to our needs

The War Within

  • Set a 2 day pace with the goal of US top 250
  • Roster evaluation: spots will be earned based on performance
  • There are no sacred cows. Just like other competitive outlets your performance and availability will dictate roster security


Discord - redonkulous
Application listed on: Guilds of WoW, Raiderio, Warcraft Logs - Just Search for guild name ‘Senile’

Recruitment Needs:

We are looking for skilled CE caliber players that can handle both the mechanical and throughput requirements to raid at the Cutting Edge US top 250 level. Recruiting is open for all exceptional players.

High Need

Death Knight

Medium Need

Multi-class/spec Healers

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