Geese Not Handled
Guild Information
Recruiter: Halivoker
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Geese Not Handled on Stormrage is recruiting for TWW! We are a reformation of a seasoned team under their own banner. Our mission is simple - Achieve CE while having fun with friends in a non-toxic environment. The team, as a whole, has been together for two years, and the leadership has substantial experience running successful CE teams. Outside of raid, our raiders do a multitude of things together, including movie nights, and non-wow game nights; many members even got together at last year’s Blizzcon. We nurture a fun environment within the guild and the raid, and are lazer-focused on achieving our CE goal.

Raid Times
Tuesday, 8pm-10pm EST
Wednesday, 8pm-11pm EST
Thursday, 8pm-11pm EST
Note: Tuesday is used for reclears only.

Recruitment Priority
Holy Paladin - High
Warrior DPS - High
Mage DPS - High
Warlock DPS - Medium
Rogue DPS - Medium
Other Ranged DPS - Medium
Other Melee DPS - Low
Possibly have room for an experienced tank.

Discord: hali.
Btag: Hali#11995

US-Blood Furnace
Starworld West 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Terrorknight
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Starworld West was founded with the launch of Dragonflight. We’re an evolving community with players of all styles, interests and experience with the expectation to accomplish Heroic Raiding, M+, and Timerunning content together.

  1. We achieved AOTC in AtSC.
  2. We achieved AOTC in AtDH.
  3. We have run all types of keys for KSM, KSH and pushing up to 3k IO.
  4. We have multiple players in Panda Remix looking for more to play with.
  5. We also play other games together to make sure we’re enjoying time together as much as possible.

We are looking for others who are interested in M+, Normal & Heroic Raiding. Sometimes we also play Among Us, which is a reason for us needing to recruit as well. (We ejected someone who was not the imposter) Any and all classes are welcome and we’ll work to establish our core team for Heroic as we execute season 4 and prepare for The War Within.

Mythic Plus Teams
All skill levels and classes welcome, we are flexible to help you learn, or accommodate veterans! We just ask that you put in the work to learn your class as best you can.

Heroic Raid Team
3 DPS roles we do not have below:

  1. Mage
  2. Rogue
  3. Monk

DPS classes we do have, but not this specialization - or could allow for more flexibility for us to have:

  1. Warlock
  2. Enhancement Shaman
  3. Feral or Balance Druid
  4. Havoc Demon Hunter
  5. Shadow Priest

Current Raid Composition (11)

  • 2 Tanks - Veng DH & Blood DK
  • 4 Healers - Disc Priest, Holy Priest, Resto Shaman, Resto Druid
  • 5 Ranged DPS - BM Hunter, Destro Warlock, Elemental Shaman, 2 Dev Evoker
  • 3 Melee DPS - Unholy DK, Ret Paladin, Fury Warrior.

Raid Time

  • Core Raid Night: Sunday 8:00-10:00pm CST
  • Thursday Night Alt Normal Skip and Heroic Bosses: 8:00-10:00pm CST
  • Second Raid team in development, if we can get attendance structured!


  • Be an active player.
  • Be able to joke around, have a good attitude, and be nice to others.
  • Be patient as we have all types of player skill level and build each other up.
  • Know the class you intend to play or be willing to ask for and accept help.
  • For raiders, be online prior to start time and ready to go (enchanted, gemmed, and ready to help summon)
    If you have any questions, please reach out to me, (Moose), or Cthulhoo (Chadelicious)!
    Btag: MattyIce#11331
    Discord: sickxmoose
    Btag: cthulhoo#11286
    Discord: Sgtcthulhoo
US-Moon Guard
Forgotten Alliances 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kevlr
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Forgotten Alliances

We are a newly reformed guild with leadership who’s experience spans the ages of Warcraft. Our focus is on a fun environment to learn and grow in our gaming. The guild’s focus is Mythic+ Dungeons and Raiding up to and hopefully surpassing Heroic Content. These are only focus’s of course. Any content that we as a guild can push together is welcomed!

Our Founder and Guild Master Kevlr is as old as the game itself, this Paladin was originally created on the Vanilla beta servers and was recreated on the live servers less than an hour after the vanilla servers went live. Our officers have played across every expansion thus far and has been an active raider for many of them. Our member’s as a guild fell the original Lady Onyxia encounter, put a stop to the machinations of the Fire Lord Ragnaros in the Molten Core, saw to it that Blackwing was unable to rain his tyranny on the denizens of Azeroth. Members of our guild there when the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj were opened and actively fought alongside their brethren to stop the Old God C’thun from succeeding in his plans to dominate Azeroth. When the dread Lich Kel’Thuzad brought his tower Necropolis Naxxramas to lay waste to the Eastern Plaguelands our light shown bright as we stood at the forefront of the conflict to fell this Lich and save his home from destruction yet again!

Forgotten Alliances pays homage to the guild that was founded all those years ago with friends and family, many are gone but with our deeds they are never forgotten, and this is what we strive for, no one’s deeds should be forgotten and no one should be left behind. We hope everyone that chooses to come on this journey with us has the same mindset!

Forgotten Alliances is recruiting all levels of experience moving into war within. We are looking for players across all playstyles PVP, Mythic +, Raiding, social you wanna just hang out we got you.

Until War drops we are Alliance only but as of War will recruit anyone!

Want to learn more? Message Kevlr here on Moon Guard for more information

Knights of the Blue Tree 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Bluebeargle
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Hello there! Knights of the Blue Tree is a community-driven group that has played together for a long time in some form or fashion (since Burning Crusade).

We are looking to grow our group a little going into The War Within by expanding into two raiding groups.

Each raiding group we have raids 1 night per week, 3 hours a night. AotC is a more casual setting, in which the overall objective is to grab AotC and have a good time. Our mythic group is new going into this expansion, and our goal is to progress as far as possible through the mythic raid on a 1-night schedule.

Raid Times:
AotC: Monday, 7-10pm EST
Mythic: Sunday, 7-10pm EST

If you think you’d be a good fit, or would like to get more information, feel free to message myself or our raid leader on Discord.

Guild Leader: Blueeagle
Raid Leader: Gripps22

Mythic Application: Available upon request
Looking for:
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Any
DPS: Any (Mage/Warrior high priority)

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