Fourth Wing 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Parth
Server Rank: #9
EU Rank: #2611

Join our guild (or community) and choose a prize!

Prizes on offer:

  • A raid spot twice a week, starting at 9pm and going through to 11:30pm on Monday and Wednesdays
  • Being a part of a fun, friendly and diverse group of players who’ve been steadily building a team for the past 18 months
  • Easy AOTC each season and likely a few mythic bosses and M+ groups to top up your character’s ilvl
  • Feasts, runes and flasks (sometimes, when we remember)
  • Gold for repairs
  • Nobody arguing with your /roll if you win loot
  • Cheap guild crafts
  • The chance to lose all your gold to other guildies by gambling between bosses

To be eligible for a prize please message Fangrage#11582, Ashe#11337
or Parth#2127 with your answer to the following question:

If I was to apply to a new guild I’d choose to play:
A> A tank
B> A healer with DPS offspec
C> A ranged DPS, but definitely not a hunter
D> Any of the above

Eligible correct answers will receive an invite to the guild or community and be able to select their prize.

The first few lucky applicants may receive more than one prize (it’s all of them, it’s just really a guild invite and that’s who we are and how we run things)

Over 18s only, terms and conditions apply.

Chaos Crew 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Zathiel
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:boom: Hello, greetings and welcome! :boom:

< Chaos Crew > is looking for new members for raiding, M+, hanging out and having fun!
Our motto: No flaming, no blaming, just chilling and gaming! :partying_face:
We’re looking to revive the guild and get back into raiding and doing mythic+ runs, so if you’re looking for a chill and laid back community, where progression should be fun, hit us up!
We also have members interested in PvP if that is your jam, and if you just want to come be part of a social group, you’re welcome as well.

So far we have no raiding days :x: because as I’ve mentioned before, we’re reviving the guild. This also means you get every opportunity to help shape it and have the role you wish to have.

  • We plan to raid 2 - 3 times a week. (Like we used to do)

We need Tanks, DPS, Healers and Officers! So if you want to join a guild that you can help shape to your liking:
Hit me up: :speech_balloon:
Ingame: Zathiel-Darksorrow
Bnet: Vryxell#2693
Discord: Vryxell

Discord is a must if you wish to join the guild, as we prefer to make friends and not just be strangers on the internet. Come have fun with us and bring your friends along

Darksorrow is part of the cluster: Bladefist, Frostwhisper, Zenedar, Darksorrow, Genjuros, Neptulon (Though this is soon irrelevant)

Q & A

Q. What is the amount of players for the guild overall and for the raid team are you aiming to have max?
A. We need a full raid team as minimum, but we also don’t want to get too big, so a maximum of 100 individual active players (not counting alt characters).

Q. How do you plan on handling loot in regards to a current season and when a new tier is released?
A. We usually went with if the one who gets it can use it, they keep it, otherwise we roll for it, and winner decides if they wanna keep it or give it to someone else.

Q. Out of the people you have atm what classes/specs do you have?
A. Nothing worth noting, honestly. We do have a DH who can either tank or dps. We also have two hunters, where one of them also has a rogue, and we have a monk/DK.

Q. Is the plan for the guild to be AOTC or CE focused with regards to raids?
A. If possible we’d like to be AOTC, but the main goal will always be to have fun. Progression is important, and should be a priority, but it should never be more important than having fun. It’s a game.

Q. For mythic+ is there interest/plans on pushing/ improving in that?
A. Pushing keys is always fun and something we enjoy. Would be awesome to set up some M+ teams. So yes, the goal is to push keys!

Q. What system do you have for people who end up being jerks/toxic/drama focused?
A. A maximum of 3 warnings are given, depending on severity of whatever happened. I already have 2 kids and a fulltime job, I don’t wanna deal with BS drama in my guild.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask either here or contact me directly! I can’t wait to hear from you!

hulkomania 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Meffzie
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hulkomania is a relaxed endgame content pushing guild more on the casual side looking for their fellow hulkomaniacs to join us in raiding and M+ started by experienced raiders. We fear no man, no beast or evil, brother.

Looking for DPS to expand our smaller roster during the fated season and onwards, socials are more than welcome!

Our goals are getting AOTC every tier and pushing even harder end game content as we go.
Outside of raiding, most of us push IO and we always have everything between 2 and 10+ key level wise.

Raid Schedule:

  • Wednesday 8PM-10PM Server Time
  • Saturday 8PM-10PM Server Time

AVOTI 4/8 HC 8/8 N
AATSC 7/9 HC 9/9 N
AATDH 2/9 HC 9/9 N


If you are interested in raiding/mythics and would rather skip pugging and join a comically fun environment, feel free to contact me on

  • mephlaren#2566
  • Jennifer#2866

What we’re looking for

  • Adults, we’re a strictly 18+ guild to avoid drama
  • At least 50%-60% attendance on a monthly basis
  • Beginners and veterans alike
  • Know your class at an acceptable level
  • Read up on guides before raid, and be able to ask questions
  • Patience
  • It’s just a game, so a chill environment
  • Decent behavior
  • At the very least, basic understanding of the English language
  • Accept constructive criticism and be willing to improve

What do we offer though?

  • Fun environment, banter is more than encouraged
  • Help with improvement if asked for, including looking through and supporting logs
  • An inclusive and mature guild where everyone is welcome
  • Hopefully, an insane amount of loot
  • Everything needed for successful raids and mythic runs
Not Like Us 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Rtownscrub
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

We’re excited to announce that Not Like Us is recruiting for our new guild and raid team for TWW! Our current priorities are: Healer: Resto Druid or Shaman DPS: DPS Warrior, Aug Evoker, DPS Demon Hunter, Ranged Hunter. We’re looking for passionate players who want to raid Heroic and Mythic without the stress of being a no-lifer. Whether you’re looking to take the next leap in your raiding career or join as a social member or M+ pusher, we have a place for you. If you’re not on Silvermoon, don’t worry about transfers in TWW guild/raid team recruitment is opening up to allow cross-realm. Spaces are filling up fast. Interested? Let’s chat! Reply to this message or contact me on discord : Numlock for more information or to apply.

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