US-Area 52
Peak 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Beepster
Server Rank: #97
US Rank: #618

Hello All!

Peak is a tightly-knit guild looking to fill our roster with dedicated Mythic progression players who aspire to secure cutting-edge achievements each tier, all while adhering to a two-night schedule. (Wed/Thurs. 9:00pm - 11:30pm EST). We adopt a semi-hardcore approach, valuing your enjoyment of the game as much as your skill. Your class preference takes precedence over meta conformity. Please do not hesitate to connect with us, even if your chosen class falls outside the conventional lists.

IMMEDIATE Needs: Havoc, and Augmentation

As of now we are requiring our trials to transfer to Area-52 if offered a spot. Alliance players welcome.

Our Expectations:

  • Come to raid fully prepared. Know your class, have all pots/flasks/gems, enchants, etc. and research fights.
  • Raiders are expected to complete 4 keystones weekly. You should aim to do the highest possible keystone you can for the best rewards possible.
  • Communication is key. Communicate if you will be absent. Use our raid-signups and attendance channels, If you know or are unsure that you’ll make it to raid… We understand that life happens, however, if attendance becomes an issue we leave it up to our raid lead to decide if someone needs to be removed from the team or not.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism. We will not yell or berate a team member for mistakes, but we will address issues as needed.
  • Be polite. When pugging, talking in trade chat, etc. you are representing our guild. We don’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or bullying of any kind.
  • No politics in Guild chat or discord.
  • Please no drama. If you have any concerns please address them to an officer.
  • Players will need to be dedicated with a 90% attendance minimum

If you are seeking a progression-oriented guild that combines competitiveness with a welcoming social core, please reach out to our officers for a more in depth discussion:
Raid Leader - Glyalith (Discord: Glyalith)
Recruitment Officer - Beepster (Discord: Cheap7351)
Guild Master - Marketing (Discord: shopper#6967)

IMMEDIATE Needs: Havoc, and Augmentation

Join us on our journey to conquer Mythic challenges and reach the pinnacle of World of Warcraft. We look forward to exploring the possibilities together.

VOTI - 5/9M - World 2901
ATSC - 8/9M World 1945
ATDH - 8/9M World 1584

US-Area 52
Loot Sold Separately 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Rynzlur
Server Rank: #105
US Rank: #648

Loot Sold Separately on Area 52 is recruiting more players for S4 Awakened raiding and The War Within.

We were formed in S3 Dragonflight and managed to clear 7/9M in our first tier. For this awakened season, we have been steadily full clearing all raids on heroic and farming out the easier mythic bosses from each raid.

We are now shifting our attention to full clearing awakened amirdrassil in an effort to loot some Fyrakk mounts.

While we embark on this endeavor we are looking to augment our roster with like minded individuals who are interested in progression raiding and going for CE achievements on a more limited schedule.

More importantly we are interested in people who want to raid and progress deep into mythic and are up for a challenge.

Raiding Hours

  • Tuesday: 8p-11p central
  • Thursday: 8p-11p central

Optional days are added as requested

We do not extend our hours under any circumstances in an effort to respect everyone’s real life schedules and commitments outside the game.


  • Ability to maintain high attendance rate.
  • Reliable computer / internet connection and working mic.
  • Review and research of raid materials for encounters.
  • Character maintenance (vault slot completion, gear upgrade currency acquisition, sim and spec knowledge / mastery).
  • Prior mythic / CE raiding experience.
  • Ability to take and provide constructive criticism.
  • Willingness to be a team player.

Recruitment Needs

  • Healers:
    Mistweaver, Holy Paladin, Pres Evoker OR any exceptional applicant.

  • Melee:
    DK, Rogue, Shaman, Druid, Warrior, Monk

  • Ranged:

  • Tanks:
    Closed but will consider exceptional apps

If interested in trialing please contact the following individuals:

-Rynzler | Btag: Rynzler#11268 Discord: Rynzler2573

-Draiino | Btag: Decimation#1765 Discord: drenial

-Kaercha | Btag: Kearcha#1465 Discord: kaercha

Mythically Challenged 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Voldeuce
Server Rank: #23
US Rank: #649

Guild: Mythically Challenged
Realm: Thrall
Faction: Horde
Raid Schedule (S4): Awakened Heroic/Mythic Tuesday 9PM-11:30PM EST
Progression: VOTI - 5/8M, ATSC - 5/9M, ATDH - 8/9M

This guild was made by a group of friends who have been playing together since Cata. We’ve met a lot of fine folks along the way that have strengthened our core. We are seeking like-minded, committed individuals to join our team as we aim to push through Mythic content. In S3 we went 8/9M in Amirdrassil, and are aiming to achieve CE in The War Within. We are taking it easy in S4, doing some Mythic bosses and clearing Heroic weekly.

We are creating a 2nd raid team, focused on AOTC for S1. It’s growing fast!

What we need:

Mythic Team - Tues/Thurs/Mon 9PM-11:30PM EST
Evoker - Aug/Dev
Paladin - Ret

AOTC Team - Thurs/Sun 8:30PM-11PM EST
Monk - Any Spec
Rogue - Any Spec
Mage - Any Spec

If you want to check us out feel free to message Voldus, Tompiece or Makaiyla on discord. You can also catch us in game, message Voldeuce/Deuces, Tompizzle/Laurinaitis or Makaiyla/Jaydes.

US-Area 52
Parasomnia 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Irizzisa
Server Rank: #147
US Rank: #892

Join Parasomnia - Area52

About Us:
Guild Name: Parasomnia
Focus: Raiding, Progression, Community
Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Time: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM PST
Server: Area-52

6/8m AVOTI, 7/9m AATSC and 6/9m AATDH (7/9m in s3).

What We Offer:
:shield: Focused Progression: We strive for excellence in raiding while maintaining a positive and inclusive environment.
:star2: Community: Join a close-knit group of like-minded players who share your passion for Raiding.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Structured Raids: Experienced leadership ensures smooth, efficient, and fun raiding experiences.
:globe_with_meridians: Active Discord: Engage with guild members, get updates, and coordinate strategies.

What We’re Looking For:

  • :fire: Havoc Demon Hunter - High
  • :fire: Windwalker Monk - High
  • :fire: Enhancement Shaman - High
  • Warrior
  • Rogue
  • Death Knight
  • Survival Hunter


  • :fire: Mistweaver Monk - High
  • :fire: Pres Evoker - High


  • Closed

:fire: Returning players with previous raiding experience are also welcome! :fire:
:fire: We can help you gear up in heroic runs! :fire:

We are looking for strong and committed raiders looking to push in Season 4 and into The War Within. If you have any recent or relative logs feel free to reach out and lets chat!

How to Join:
If you have any questions feel free to message Irizz#1719 on Bnet. Otherwise, go ahead and post an app linked below:

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Volatile 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ansys
Server Rank: #6
US Rank: #906

Who we are:
Volatile is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on US-Whisperwind. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays 7pm-10pm CST. Founded in Cataclysm, we provide a fun, laid back raiding environment that focuses on mythic progression. We pride ourselves in providing a stable and positive environment for our raiders. We always get AoTC and work our way through mythic the best we can.

Currently recruiting:

  • Rogue (high priority)
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (high priority)
  • Mage (high priority)
  • Death Knight DPS (high priority)
  • Shadow Priest (high priority)
  • Warrior DPS (high priority)
  • Devastation Evoker (medium priority)
  • Balance Druid (medium priority)
  • Hunter (medium priority)
  • Retribution Paladin (medium priority)
  • Warlock (medium priority)
  • Holy Paladin (medium priority)
  • Priest Healer (medium priority)

Main thing we look for is fit, if your goals are the same as ours and you mesh well with us we’re open to pretty much anyone!

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 7-10pm CST
Thursday, 7-10pm CST
Invites start 6:45pm CST

Bigwigs or Deadly Boss Mods
Method Raid Tools
WeakAuras 2

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out an application here:

If you have any questions you can add Shestrouble (shestrouble on discord) or Ansys (ansys on discord)

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