Chaotic Aftermath 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ambermissed
Server Rank: #47
US Rank: #834

Chaotic Aftermath on Stormrage is looking for players who want to finish out Season 4 (we were supposed to be just doing heroic this season but we tripped and fell into mythic) and progress in The War Within.

At a Glance
Awakened Progress: 8/9M Aberus, 6/8M VOTI, 6/9M Amirdrassil
Raid Times: Friday & Saturday, 8pm-11pm Eastern
Priority Recruitment: Havoc DH, Healers, Caster DPS
Contact Info: Ambermist#1266 (bnet), actuallyamber (discord)

About Us
Chaotic Aftermath formed in Shadowlands but really got its stride in Dragonflight. The goal throughout was to continually push higher into mythic content each season, and that goal was achieved.

The new goal is CE, and we’re looking for good players who have mythic raiding experience, communicate well, and are willing to learn.

We’re also just a bunch of goofy nerds, so if you’re not into dad jokes, random rapping, and occasional trolling, we’re probably not the guild for you. If you’re into those things and have mythic raid experience, hit me up and send me a link to your logs.

Happy hunting!

Volatile 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ansys
Server Rank: #6
US Rank: #903

Who we are:
Volatile is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on US-Whisperwind. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays 7pm-10pm CST. Founded in Cataclysm, we provide a fun, laid back raiding environment that focuses on mythic progression. We pride ourselves in providing a stable and positive environment for our raiders. We always get AoTC and work our way through mythic the best we can.

Currently recruiting:

  • Rogue (high priority)
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (high priority)
  • Mage (high priority)
  • Death Knight DPS (high priority)
  • Shadow Priest (high priority)
  • Warrior DPS (high priority)
  • Devastation Evoker (medium priority)
  • Balance Druid (medium priority)
  • Hunter (medium priority)
  • Retribution Paladin (medium priority)
  • Warlock (medium priority)
  • Holy Paladin (medium priority)
  • Priest Healer (medium priority)

Main thing we look for is fit, if your goals are the same as ours and you mesh well with us we’re open to pretty much anyone!

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 7-10pm CST
Thursday, 7-10pm CST
Invites start 6:45pm CST

Bigwigs or Deadly Boss Mods
Method Raid Tools
WeakAuras 2

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out an application here:

If you have any questions you can add Shestrouble (shestrouble on discord) or Ansys (ansys on discord)

Commit Alpha 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Meyliene
Server Rank: #56
US Rank: #944

Commit Alpha is a multi-team guild with a focus on Raiding, Mythic Plus, as well as occasional backdrop events and guild activities. This can range from doing in guild challenges for survival in Classic and WoW events like Plunderstorm and Remix, and of course gearing up for the upcoming War Within expansion. Several of us enjoy other games on occasion as well, but we are all getting excited for that new expac! :lollipop:

:sandwich:We have three raid teams in guild with different overall goals but the same relaxed environment. :sandwich:

:wine_glass:We are currently opening recruitment for our RED TEAM -CE FOCUSED team.:wine_glass:

:popcorn:Immediate openings listed in Team Details below-Updated as of 6/23/2024:popcorn:

:wine_glass:Red Team -CE Focused. Aim to Cutting Edge in tier.
Previous Raid Team History:
6/9M ATDH, 8/9 M Aberrus, 6/8 M Vault
Raid Times: Tuesday 8pm -10pm EST, Wednesday andThursday 8pm -1130pm EST.
Tuesdays are - “Farm Only -No Prog -2 Hours Max”
Recruitment: LF Holy Paladin and DPS
Healer Holy Paladin-High Need
Looking for strong DPS applicants.
Accepting Exceptional Applicants. Logs and Mythic Raid History preferred.

:tea:Green Team - Mythic. Aiming for as many bosses, a mix of hardcore and casual.
Previous Raid History:
6/9 M ATDH, 5/9M Aberrus, 4/8M Vaults
Raid Times: Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:30 -11:30pm. EST
Recruitment : Recruitment opening in July.
Mythic Raid history is not limited to applying, however, experience is preferred. AOTC previous history is also an added bonus. Logs are still reviewed and considered for applicants.

:cup_with_straw:Blue Team -AOTC Focused. Chill heroic aotc and fun.
Previous Raid History:
9/9H ATDH, 9/9 ATDH, 9/9 H Aberrus
Raid Times: Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 -11pm.EST
Recruiting for raiders who enjoy the chill Heroic atmosphere.
AOTC history is not required and logs are not required though they are reviewed for player improvement purposes.

:cake:–Those interested in joining you can reach out to Saylen11, LronChris, and Nocthios via discord. Or feel free to leave a message below and we will reach out to you.-- :cake:

Potency 5/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Blutegel
Server Rank: #93
US Rank: #1419

Alliance - Stormrage

About Us
Potency is a newly formed Mythic Guild that is rapidly growing. Our mission, our goal, our drive is to create a unique community that caters to all facets of WoW. We want to create a very active community of players who enjoy raiding, PvP, running keys, being social, and playing non-WoW games with each other. Potency will have something for everyone and will keep everyone engaged and building friendships!

Our raid team is Mythic-focused and will be pushing as hard as we can. This does not mean we are cutting-edge focused - we just want to get as far into Mythic as we can, maintain high standards, cut deadweight, and still be able to have a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. At the end of the day, absolutely no one has fun when we wipe endlessly to the same thing over and over or have to drag people’s corpses through the raids… right?

We believe in organization and order (but still fun!). All of our policies, rules, expectations, penalties, and systems will be clearly outlined in documents that are available on our discord. We believe this is ideal for transparency. Our Guild has two divisions - the raiding side and the community side. Each side has its own set of officers that have clearly defined duties and responsibilities. When the raids are over, Fri - Tues will be dedicated to the community officers to set up the aforementioned activities that are in the About Us section.

Progress (Awakened)

  • 8/8H 3/8M VotI
  • 9/9H 4/9M Aberrus
  • 9/9H 5/9M Amirdrassil

Recruitment Needs

  • Tanks: Full
  • Healers: Full
  • Melee DPS: Demon Hunter / Shaman / Warrior / Rogue
  • Ranged DPS: Druid / Shaman / Mage / Warlock

We will consider any and all, so feel free to inquire!

Raid Times

  • Wednesday 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
  • Thursday 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST

Prospective Raiders
Unable to fully commit to our schedule? Not quite geared enough? Or can’t raid for any other reason? You can join us as a Prospective Raider until you are ready to trial. You’ll be able to enjoy the community side of the Guild and attend off-night raids to get experience, logs, and gear. There’s no time limit and no pressure - once you meet requirements and can commit to the schedule, we can start a trial!

Raid Contact (B-tag/Discord)

  • Blutegel Guild Master/Raid Leader - Blut#11196 / blut92
  • Benqt Recruitment Officer - Benny#12695 / benqtee
  • Rickflamess Healing Officer - Renegadebear#11941 / rickflamess

Do not hesitate to reach out to any of the above officers with any questions!!

LFM Sun/Mon 6-9pm (PDT)Jul 27th, 2023 6:15 pm
Harsh Generation 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jacinto
Server Rank: #51
US Rank: #1752

We are a guild from Proudmoore with a chill, friendly, and mature environment focused on AoTC that will push into mythic each tier.

|demon hunter (dd)|high|
|druid (balance)|high|
|druid (feral-dd)|high|
|monk (dd)|high|
|shaman (elemental)|high|
|shaman (enhancement)|high|
|warrior (dd)|high|
|evoker (dd)|high|

Raid Days & Times:
Sunday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm (PST)
Monday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm (PST)

Discord: Jacintoness
BNET: Jacintoness#1953

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