Dark Skies 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tewa
Server Rank: #4
US Rank: #280

Celebrating 10 years of Cutting Edge raiding!

Any Healers (but esp. Priest/Paladin)
Shadow Priest
DPS Warrior
Boomkin or Feral Druid

Might also be interested in: Rogue, Warlock, DPS Death Knight, Havoc DH

9:30 PM - 1 AM, Pacific Time, on Tue / Wed / Thurs.

In Dark Skies we balance solid Mythic raiding progression with everyone’s needs for career and family. But more than that, we’re a community that is a family unto itself, where everyone becomes true friends and get to know each other. We recruit based on both performance AND personality, to create a fun, friendly, relaxed environment where we also kick butt.

We’re a mature group mostly consisting of professionals & parents with young children. So we raid late, after the kids are in bed. Our members range from age 21 to 52, with most in the 30+ range. Our group includes professors, game designers, software developers, college students, and many others.

We value each other as friends, not just as people we raid with. We hang out on discord a lot, including non-raid days, and enjoy helping each other with achievements, farming old mounts, or just shooting the breeze.

Most of all, we’re about people. Because raiding isn’t really about classes, or gear, or specs.

Raiding is about people!


  1. Personality is the most important thing. We want mature, easy-going people who like to have fun.
  2. That being said, we are a Mythic raiding guild, so everybody needs to perform at that level. We’re very happy to work together to bring up our numbers, help with add-ons and macros, etc. We’re happy to take good raiders we like, as long as they’re willing to become great raiders. (We will NOT take raiders we don’t like! We don’t care how great they are.)
  3. All ages are welcome, but we are mostly an older group.
  4. Respect for diversity is a must. People come from different backgrounds, and we all need to respect that.
  5. Please be respectful of others’ time! We all have busy lives and time is at a premium.
  6. Must have Mythic logs / progression history. (From previous xpac is fine.)

SoO 14/14 Heroic (so Mythic before it was called Mythic)
4/7 Mythic Highmaul
7/10 Mythic BRF
13/13 Mythic HFC (U.S. 232nd)
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare (U.S. 336th)
3/3 Mythic ToV
10/10 Mythic Nighthold (U.S. 240th)
8/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras (KJ @ 5%) (U.S. 273)
11/11 Mythic Antorus (U.S. 294)
8/8 Mythic Uldir (U.S. 313)
9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor (U.S. 420)
8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace - U.S. 230
12/12 Mythic Nya’lotha - U.S. 321
10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria - U.S. 337
10/10 Mythic Sanctum - U.S. 393
11/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones - U.S. 351
8/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnates - U.S. 483
9/9 Mythic Aberrus - U.S. 381
9/9 M Amirdrssil - U.S. 282

We play on the Hyjal server - The Jewel of the West!

If this sounds like a good fit for you, we’d be happy to talk to you. Add us on battletag please!
Tewa#1373 (btag) or .tewa (discord)
Drattz#1954 (btag)

US-Blood Furnace
Starworld West 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Terrorknight
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Starworld West was founded with the launch of Dragonflight. We’re an evolving community with players of all styles, interests and experience with the expectation to accomplish Heroic Raiding, M+, and Timerunning content together.

  1. We achieved AOTC in AtSC.
  2. We achieved AOTC in AtDH.
  3. We have run all types of keys for KSM, KSH and pushing up to 3k IO.
  4. We have multiple players in Panda Remix looking for more to play with.
  5. We also play other games together to make sure we’re enjoying time together as much as possible.

We are looking for others who are interested in M+, Normal & Heroic Raiding. Sometimes we also play Among Us, which is a reason for us needing to recruit as well. (We ejected someone who was not the imposter) Any and all classes are welcome and we’ll work to establish our core team for Heroic as we execute season 4 and prepare for The War Within.

Mythic Plus Teams
All skill levels and classes welcome, we are flexible to help you learn, or accommodate veterans! We just ask that you put in the work to learn your class as best you can.

Heroic Raid Team
3 DPS roles we do not have below:

  1. Mage
  2. Rogue
  3. Monk

DPS classes we do have, but not this specialization - or could allow for more flexibility for us to have:

  1. Warlock
  2. Enhancement Shaman
  3. Feral or Balance Druid
  4. Havoc Demon Hunter
  5. Shadow Priest

Current Raid Composition (11)

  • 2 Tanks - Veng DH & Blood DK
  • 4 Healers - Disc Priest, Holy Priest, Resto Shaman, Resto Druid
  • 5 Ranged DPS - BM Hunter, Destro Warlock, Elemental Shaman, 2 Dev Evoker
  • 3 Melee DPS - Unholy DK, Ret Paladin, Fury Warrior.

Raid Time

  • Core Raid Night: Sunday 8:00-10:00pm CST
  • Thursday Night Alt Normal Skip and Heroic Bosses: 8:00-10:00pm CST
  • Second Raid team in development, if we can get attendance structured!


  • Be an active player.
  • Be able to joke around, have a good attitude, and be nice to others.
  • Be patient as we have all types of player skill level and build each other up.
  • Know the class you intend to play or be willing to ask for and accept help.
  • For raiders, be online prior to start time and ready to go (enchanted, gemmed, and ready to help summon)
    If you have any questions, please reach out to me, (Moose), or Cthulhoo (Chadelicious)!
    Btag: MattyIce#11331
    Discord: sickxmoose
    Btag: cthulhoo#11286
    Discord: Sgtcthulhoo
US-Area 52
Loot Sold Separately 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Rynzlur
Server Rank: #105
US Rank: #647

Loot Sold Separately on Area 52 is recruiting more players for S4 Awakened raiding and The War Within.

We were formed in S3 Dragonflight and managed to clear 7/9M in our first tier. For this awakened season, we have been steadily full clearing all raids on heroic and farming out the easier mythic bosses from each raid.

We are now shifting our attention to full clearing awakened amirdrassil in an effort to loot some Fyrakk mounts.

While we embark on this endeavor we are looking to augment our roster with like minded individuals who are interested in progression raiding and going for CE achievements on a more limited schedule.

More importantly we are interested in people who want to raid and progress deep into mythic and are up for a challenge.

Raiding Hours

  • Tuesday: 8p-11p central
  • Thursday: 8p-11p central

Optional days are added as requested

We do not extend our hours under any circumstances in an effort to respect everyone’s real life schedules and commitments outside the game.


  • Ability to maintain high attendance rate.
  • Reliable computer / internet connection and working mic.
  • Review and research of raid materials for encounters.
  • Character maintenance (vault slot completion, gear upgrade currency acquisition, sim and spec knowledge / mastery).
  • Prior mythic / CE raiding experience.
  • Ability to take and provide constructive criticism.
  • Willingness to be a team player.

Recruitment Needs

  • Healers:
    Mistweaver, Holy Paladin, Pres Evoker OR any exceptional applicant.

  • Melee:
    DK, Rogue, Shaman, Druid, Warrior, Monk

  • Ranged:

  • Tanks:
    Closed but will consider exceptional apps

If interested in trialing please contact the following individuals:

-Rynzler | Btag: Rynzler#11268 Discord: Rynzler2573

-Draiino | Btag: Decimation#1765 Discord: drenial

-Kaercha | Btag: Kearcha#1465 Discord: kaercha

Senile 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Redonkulus
Server Rank: #171
US Rank: #1301

Senile formed at the start of the Awakened Season of Dragonflight bringing along with it an established core of raiders to build into a competitive CE team for The War Within and beyond.

About the Guild

Our goal as a guild is to obtain Cutting Edge every tier and finish within the top 250 US guilds on a two night schedule. To do this, everyone on the roster must be committed to the same goal. The roster will be strictly performance based with like-minded individuals coming together to create a CE ready team.

Raid Times:

Wednesday & Thursday (Only Wednesday during Season 4) 9:30pm-12:30am EST (8:30-11:30 CST / 6:30-9:30 PST)

Guild Planning and Structure

Season 4 ‘Awakened’

  • 1 night a week doing mythic for vault slots and trial eval - not pushing mythic ‘prog’ during S4
  • Build to a roster of 25 by TWW release
  • Preference for recruiting raiders with prior experience with recent deep mythic or CE experience
  • Low friction in season 4 is the goal while making sure we are building the roster catered to our needs

The War Within

  • Set a 2 day pace with the goal of US top 250
  • Roster evaluation: spots will be earned based on performance
  • There are no sacred cows. Just like other competitive outlets your performance and availability will dictate roster security


Discord - redonkulous
Application listed on: Guilds of WoW, Raiderio, Warcraft Logs - Just Search for guild name ‘Senile’

Recruitment Needs:

We are looking for skilled CE caliber players that can handle both the mechanical and throughput requirements to raid at the Cutting Edge US top 250 level. Recruiting is open for all exceptional players.

High Need

Death Knight

Medium Need

Multi-class/spec Healers

Concerning Hobbits
Guild Information
Recruiter: Grimhood
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

:sparkles: Current Needs: :sparkles:

:green_heart: Healer (1 spot open): :green_heart:
Druid (Closed)
Evoker (Medium)
Monk (Closed)
Paladin (Closed)
Priest-Disc (Closed)
Shaman (Medium)

:crossed_swords: DPS (1 spot open): :crossed_swords:
Death Knight (Closed)
Demon Hunter (Closed)
Druid-Balance (Medium)
Evoker-Augmentation (High)
Hunter-MM/BM (Closed)
Mage (Closed)
Priest (Closed)
Rogue (Closed)
Shaman (Closed)
Warlock (Closed)
Warrior (Closed)

Concerning Hobbits (Thrall) is a semi-hardcore AOTC+ guild that raids Tuesdays/Thursdays 7 PM - 10 PM EST. We’re recruiting a few more healers and DPS for our raid team. We strive to foster a fun and family-like environment to build lasting friendships and kill bosses. We are also looking for community members for leveling and mythic plus! We have some people that want to push keys and are looking for more with similar goals. Many of us were mythic or CE raiders that got burnt out and we’re now playing with a more relaxed approach to raiding. Main goal is AOTC but we will take down some early mythic bosses when heroic is on farm. At the moment most of us are either playing Remix or just chilling until pre-patch.

We are looking for like-minded adults who fit into our comfortable and chill atmosphere, but also take raiding seriously and efficiently use the time available. This means knowing your class, being prepared for the raid with consumables, having knowledge of the fights and running M+. Open communication is important to us and the ability to take constructive criticism is needed.

Contacts (discord):
Raid Leader(me) - nohero_nbk
Co-GM - ectoplasmiceerie
Co-GM - ogmissbubblez

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