Alliance | NA-PvP | Semi-Hardcore
Audacious is a guild built specifically for WoW Classic. Our mission is to build a roster of skilled players to enjoy classic season of discovery with.
Raiding/Guild background → Cleared up to Four Horsemen in Naxx in Vanilla. Cleared all TBC content being in the top guild on our server. Lead a hardcore guild that was in one of the top 100 US guilds in TBC to WOTLK. Cata(TOP 30 US). Top 100 US in Shadowlands
Previously I was just in speed running guilds for classic WOTLK and with Fusion for Classic.
We strongly believe in quality over quantity. Our aim is to keep our guild tight-knit, fun and desirable place to call home filled with people that want to push content. Efficiently completing all raid content that WoW - Classic Plus has to offer is our main goal. We will build and maintain a strong and consistent raid team that is capable of farming content.
Audacious is motivated to become one of the best semi-hardcore guilds on whatever server we roll on.
Tuesday, Wed 8:30-12 PM EST
(possibly a day on the weekend also as BFD will be a 3 day reset initially also) for those that can’t make it to we will fill the slot)
Loot council.
Class Needs? (Even if we arn’t looking for your class we are always looking for exceptional players)
Main tank must be open to playing whichever tank is better in end game Prot paladin or prot/fury prot war
Currently looking for another raid leader or two to form another raid group or three. If content size increases we would merge the groups together or expand raid groups to fit more people in. Looking for casual players and pvp players that may want to fill in raids if a slot opens up due to people needing the night off. Or expand the raid teams if bigger content opens up.
Raid X (Tue-Wed Primarily) But Tues - Sunday due to 3 day resets
Looking for: Rogue, Feral Druid, Hunter, Lock, Fury War
Raid Z (Primarily Wed-Sunday due to 3 day resets)
Tue - Wed 8:30-12 PM EST
Recruiting all classes except hunter
Message Pine#1200 on discord or leave me a way to get in contact with you.
Discord invite link:
Last Chance on the PAGLE-US realm is looking for like-minded players for efficient raid/achievement progression. We are “casually hardcore” - meaning, we are not going for server first progression kills, but we also want to experience current tier content without wasting time. Like you, many of us have families and other responsibilities, so we want to have fun but also be respectful with our online time.
- 5/5 ToGC 25m (5/5 HM)
- 5/5 ToGC 10m x2 (5/5 HM) 50/50
Raid Details:
- 25 Man Groups - Tuesday / Thursday 8 pm - 11 pm Server time
- 10 Man Group “Red” - filled
- 10 Man Group “Blue” - Monday’s -8 pm - 11 pm Server Time
Recruitment Needs:
- Paladin - Holy or Protection
- Druid - Feral or Balance
- Priest - Shadow (Bonus points if you have a holy off-spec)
We believe that a healthy roster is the key to continued success. We are not looking to recruit bench-warmers, these are core raiding spots for our 10m teams as well as our 25m group. As always, good players are encouraged to apply regardless of the current postings. We encourage all applications to those who are interested, as all may be considered!
(Except rogues…because nobody likes you…)
Loot System:
We use a soft reserve system with additional benefits for those who meet the raid attendance goal. After that it’s Main Spec over Off Spec with a +1 threshold on main spec loot won. We feel this system allows for all team members to have a fair chance at loot, while ensuring gear is distributed in an optimized manner.
Raid Expectations:
- Willingness to come prepared (consumes/gems/enchants)
- Knowledge of your class and basic game/raid mechanics
- 80% Attendance
- Open to giving/receiving constructive feedback
- Communication
For more information, contact one of our officers in-game.
- Blizzard: Günbunny
- Blizzard: Mordus
- Blizzard: Fuzzywind
- Blizzard: Elsenn
Thank You!
I am Perseüs the GM of the Alliance guild We are looking for individuals who know mechanics and have the willingness to learn from their mistakes. We are currently 4/5 Heroic in Trial of the Crusader 25 man, we have multiple groups doing 5/5 Heroic with 50/50 attempts in 10 man.
Raid times -
Tuesday 8:00pm - 11:00pm Server time
Thursday 8:00pm - 11:00pm Server time
Classes Needed -
Mages, Warlocks, Rogues, Shaman DPS, Feral DPS
How to Contact us:
In Game: Message Perseüs or Bootykin
Discord: Please contact makrai or Makrai#1673 or guild Discord is (
Bnet: Makrai#11462
Vanilla - A Traditional Raiding Guild
Pagle | NA - PVE | Alliance | Loot List | EST
Current Progression
T8 <<>> 25s - 14/14 - 53/54pts || 10s - 14/14 - 54/54pts
T7 <<>> 17/17 (3D 10 and 25, no zerg - Immortal/Undying)
Phase 2 Raid Schedule
Wednesday - 8:00 - 11:30 EST
Friday - 8:00 - 11:30 EST
10-mans and other content held on off nights!
Who we are:
- We are veteran players of World of Warcraft, run by former gladiators and world first raiders that are passionate about the game and the community that has been built within and around it.
- Team-building is one of our core tenets. We’re looking to create a friendly, inclusive community-focused environment for players interested in working together to overcome challenges as a team.
- As the name hints at, we are old school at heart. We focus on traditional gameplay and strategies vs sensationalized meta builds that have become popularized today.
What we expect from you as a member:
Uphold our values within the guild and the larger server community
Knowledge of your class and basic game / raid mechanics
Willingness to come prepared (consumes/gems/enchants)
Open to giving/receiving constructive feedback
85% Attendance
What makes us different:
- A supportive community that enhances your experience in-game
- Transparency in all guild decisions
- All leadership is held to the same standards as our members
- Highly structured and fairest loot system on the market (say goodbye to loot drama!)
- Through efficient distribution of our collective resources, we provide full coverage of all consumables, gems, enchants, etc.
We are currently recruiting:
Hunter - Medium
Druid (Boomkin) -High
Warlock - Medium
Rogue - Medium (Combat)
Death Knight (Unholy/Frost) Low
We believe that a healthy roster with a fair rotation of sits is the key to continued success. We don’t recruit bench-warmers, so all exceptional players are encouraged to apply regardless of current posted needs. We encourage all applications, as all may be considered!
For more information, contact cokagaming or padac2 on Discord.
Feel free to check out our website and join our discord server linked below.
https ://
< Coffee and Karazhan > [H] Mankrik
Morning Raiding Guild
2/12 H ICC 25m | 7/12 H ICC 10m | 25M Wed & Thur 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST | 10M Mon & Fri 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Currently recruiting:
Feral DPS
Don’t be discouraged if we’re not looking for your class. Please inquire about our Wrath raid team(s) and we might still have room!
About C&K:
- C & K has been around for well over 2 years now. We created the guild because of the need for it. A lot of us are Second/Third shift workers, or mornings are just better for us. We love the game but can’t run like the normal 9-5 crowd. Plus, name a better combo than Coffee and Raiding!
Raiding Times:
- 25M Wednesday & Thursday 8:30AM - 11:30AM
- 10M Monday & Friday 8:30AM - 11:30AM
75% or better attendance
Proper consumables and enchants are expected for every boss fight
Raiders should research fights, know their roles, and review their logs individually to improve
Be willing to take constructive criticism
What You Can Expect From Us:
An Officer core that works hard to provide a stable raid team, with a positive atmosphere and fun oriented raid environment.
A maybe not perfect raid team, but one that doesn’t point fingers and works together to accomplish our goals and is always improving!
Loot System:
Bahgz #2682 on Discord or Bahgz #1711 on BNET
Hadriande #0461